Halo Infinite Mangler - July 23rd Game Trailer Demo Version

Lots of sanding happened today and also it was hot and gross for Victoria. 30°C+ was kind of a blessing though since polyester resin cures stupid quick in heat like that. I gave the twin blades of the Mangler a coat of resin to help smooth out layer lines and add a bit more durability to these things that I'm undoubtedly going to bash off something clumsily.

Before the final assembly and smoothing I needed to install the lights. Nothing fancy here, four 5mm red LEDS, two 180Ω resistors and a 9V battery which can pop in and out of the handle nice and easy when not in use.

Tomorrow is the final pass of sanding and filler primer. At this rate I'll have the Mangler done within a week of the trailer being released. (y)
I don't get why people are knocking the appearance of the demo to be honest. It might be because I'm an old fart by comparison and grew up with polygons but I thought it looked amazing.

Warm up the print farm Purple!
I think its more the lack of wear and the lighting. The models are great, I just don't agree with the direction they took the banished armor.

Also, looking at the pics of your build, I always forget how big Halo guns actually are. Looks absolutely amazing and as others have said, the speed in which you have done this is also amazing.
"I sand, I die, I sand again."
-405th Sanding War Boys

Today we went through 220 grit dry, two rounds of filler primer, 320 and 400 wet sanding. There's a few imperfections but for a prop that I'm doing as a "haha the trailer came out less than a week ago" as well as something that'll primarily be a booth display item, it's good enough. The way that this all had to go together I needed to install lighting first before filling and priming so I tried a new trick as opposed to using my usual masking tape on clear panels. Masking fluid that can be scratched off LED lenses once the final coat of paint is done.

I did one final pass with filler primer, matte black goes on in the morning before work and then I'm airbrushing on the colour coat. All I can say is bless this 32°C heat, paint cures so dang fast it's unreal.

Hopefully tomorrow I have the finished shots for you all.
Final tally of parts and consumables to get a rough estimate on how much it costs to make one of these at full scale for yourself.

MaterialAmount UsedCost/Purchase Unit (CAD)
eSun PLA+ (White Re-Filament)1400g22.50/1kg
0.5mm thick PETG50mm x 20mm15.00/20cm x 30cm
6mm steel rod8cm4.00/1m
5mm steel rod12 x 2cm3.00/1m
Marine Vinyl60cm x 4cm-
Leather Lace15cm-
5mm LED (2.2Vf, 20mA)4-
20AWG Solidcore Wire60cm-

MaterialAmount UsedCost/Purchase Unit (CAD)
BSI CA Glue-12.99/2oz
80/220 Grit Mouse Sanding Pads1 80grit, 1 220grit20.00/50 pads
320/400 Grit Wet Sand Paper--
Polyester Resin60mL
Bondo Glazing Putty-12.00/tube
Dupli-Color Scratch Filler Auto Primer~1 can14.99/512g can
Vallejo 77.720 Gunmetal Grey-9.00/35mL
Vallejo 77.701 Aluminum-9.00/35mL
Vallejo 71.003 Red-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 71.041 Armour Brown-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 70.801 Brass-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 76.518 Black Wash-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 28.859 Liquid Mask-9.00/200mL

All said and done this was made with a bunch of stuff that was already laying on the materials shelves at home but doing a quick tally it'd be about a $70 build disregarding the tools, design time and ~20hours of prep to get to this point.

If you get a chance to build one, don't do it in a week.
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With 12.5 hours left on the clock in my imaginary deadline of beating the week since the Infinite trailer dropped, we've done glamour shots. Thank you CplYapFlip for dealing with me constantly saying MANGLER this past week.

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Legitimately, I could hear him approaching from the workshop because all the way up the stairs it would just be

"Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler"

I don't think the next one will quite roll of the tongue as well though :lol:
Legitimately, I could hear him approaching from the workshop because all the way up the stairs it would just be

"Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler Mangler"

I don't think the next one will quite roll of the tongue as well though :lol:
that is amazing haha.

Also amazing job turbo, That was some dedication my dude.
when you going to make mine? just kidding it looks really good cant wait to see it painted up. Great job
Mangler #2 has officially been completed!



Huge shout out to TurboCharizard for the model and the incredible inspiration / drive to do this. I have not had nearly this much fun making something in a long time!

Also, for those on Discord - Thanks to TurboCharizard again for adding the new emote (based on my mediocre editing skills)

(picture of my mangler on the dining room table last night)
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