Halo Infinite Mk V made of cardboard

Yo, honestly I didn't expect this thread to get attention again lol
In fact the armor has been finished for a while now
I will show the progress below
View attachment 358538

View attachment 358537
To harden the armor I used polyester resin and fiberglass, To give the armor a smooth texture I had to use automotive filler and sand it for several weeks. No doubt that was the hardest and the most tedious part of the while protect
Haha I enjoy creeping in old forum posts to see what everyone's been up to, your work is phenomenal and it shows how hard you work.
Foam would have taken some time. But after spending weeks sanding and sanding automotive filler.....well, it doesn't sound like a bad alternative to be honest.
ah one of the main reasons why I incorporated foam into the "smoothing" process, sanding that much for so long I did not have the stamina for. Kudos to you for sticking to it and finishing!

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