Halo Infinite VK78 Commando - July 23rd Game Trailer Demo Version




Repeat until happy.

Almost there. I've sanded through to 400 and I think I'm ready to start laying down colour coats. It's not perfect but it's pretty damn good and that's all I can ask for from something based off a energy drink promotion.
Here we are at the end of another project and we've got another prop for the booth when conventions start being a thing again. I'm not sure if this is the first completed VK78 Commando out there in internetland but I'm happy with the build and glad that a bunch of you fine folks can follow along.

EDIT: Mangler for scale.
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As promised, a parts list so that everyone can follow along.

Amount UsedCost/Purchase Unit (CAD)
eSun PLA+ (Grey Re-Filament)1200g22.50/1kg
0.2mm thick PETG10mm x 20mm(I used a pop bottle)
5mm steel rod2 x 70cm3.00/1m
1/2" PVC80cm10/3m
3/8" or 10mm dowel10cm2/1m

MaterialAmount UsedCost/Purchase Unit (CAD)
BSI CA Glue-12.99/2oz
80/220 Grit Mouse Sanding Pads2 80grit, 2 220grit20.00/50 pads
320/400 Grit Wet Sand Paper--
Bondo Glazing Putty12.00/tube
Dupli-Color Scratch Filler Auto Primer~1 can14.99/512g can
Army Painter Army Green Spray CP30051/3 can18.00/512g can
Rustoleum Black Primer Matte 1/2 can12.00/512g can
PlastiDip Black Spray-It appeared in my house somehow
Vallejo 77.712 Steel-9.00/35mL
Vallejo 71.001 White-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 71.003 Red-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 76.518 Black Wash-5.00/18mL
Vallejo 28.859 Liquid Mask-9.00/200mL
I have been playing around with this lately and ended up re-slicing and changing the shroud for a smaller than 300m printer. The existing files that Turbo has don't allow for easy alignment. I sliced this in a way to make it much easier to get a good alignment and even hide part of the piece line.

(Turbo suggested I throw these up here)


  • ShroudLeft1.stl
    1.1 MB · Views: 189
  • ShroudLeft2.stl
    114.7 KB · Views: 198
  • ShroudRight1.stl
    1.1 MB · Views: 184
  • ShroudRight2.stl
    114.7 KB · Views: 230
I have been playing around with this lately and ended up re-slicing and changing the shroud for a smaller than 300m printer. The existing files that Turbo has don't allow for easy alignment. I sliced this in a way to make it much easier to get a good alignment and even hide part of the piece line.

(Turbo suggested I throw these up here)
How spiffy of you MrJamin
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