Halo Inspired Morale/Recruitment Posters

michael fassbender perfection GIF
I have also edited my older posters, as I realised that it would be best to keep with standard print dimensions.

So now everything's A4, real simple.
I spent a little time learning and playing with the browser photo editor Photopea | Online Photo Editor


Here's the results, last night I had used windows photo Designer program and that was a struggle to get the transparent backgrounds to work properly. I also realize I need to get some better photos of my suits, the posters on the drive have way more natural looking angles, so well done.
Hey was wondering if I could use some of these posters for a project I'm working on? I just want to make sure before I do implement them.
On todays lists of talents I didn't know Hawk had...

Well done good sir! this is incredible. We might need to talk about doing more like this, as this is SHARP
You're too kind! I appreciate having the resources provided. If you have any ideas you want me to try out you know my DMs are always open!

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