Halo Reach 3d Model/ Pep Request Thread

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ok so has any done the UA/FC-I[2] attachment for the commando helmet and the commando shoulder if not can some1 do it?

You can probably find these, the shoulder for certain, in either HeavyGunner's all-in-one halo pepakura pack (http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/26285-All-in-One-Halo-Pepakura-Pack) or at MissingSpartan7's database (http://www.4shared.com/dir/iLZI7Rb-/halo_reach_files.html). If the attachment you've described is the communications device that's in one of those as well.
I would like to put in a request for the HUL-1 attachment for the JFO Helmet seen here:


If you could, in the process of modeling it use Ironium Costuming's helmet as a base that would be wonderful. The download link for that helmet can be found here: Ironium's Helmet Also if you would like any reference pics, I can't get them too you until at least Thursday of this week because I'm on vacation. Thanks for any help.

EDIT: After thinking about it for a short period of time, it might even be easier to scratch build the attachment. If anyone does model it, thank you greatly and I would gladly use it, but please don't be in any sort of rush.


  • Halo_reach_helmet_jfo_2.jpg
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I would like to put in a request for the HUL-1 attachment for the JFO Helmet seen here:


If you could, in the process of modeling it use Ironium Costuming's helmet as a base that would be wonderful. The download link for that helmet can be found here: Ironium's Helmet Also if you would like any reference pics, I can't get them too you until at least Thursday of this week because I'm on vacation. Thanks for any help.

EDIT: After thinking about it for a short period of time, it might even be easier to scratch build the attachment. If anyone does model it, thank you greatly and I would gladly use it, but please don't be in any sort of rush.

file has already been posted in the *The-Official*-Halo-Reach-Pepakura-Files-Thread

I happened to be looking around my Pepakura File Database, when i located some interesting files.
For the record, I do not know who the models belong to, but i have posted them on my 4Shared account for a pending unfold, who ever wants to try them.

Enclosed are:
1. UA [R]
2. Standard CBRN
3. Special HUL
4. Unmounted Chaingun


Link Above. Good Luck, and apologies for the request, Moderators.


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I pepped a right forearm from Brandon Maclain but I can't seem to find the left forearm on 405th. Does anyone know where I can find the Left Forearm.
I pepped a right forearm from Brandon Maclain but I can't seem to find the left forearm on 405th. Does anyone know where I can find the Left Forearm.

If you still have the PDO file on your computer for the right forearm go into the 2Dpattern window in Pepakura Designer click on flip pattern, rearrange all the pieces to fit on the pages and then you have your left forearm
I don't mean to be a nuisance, but I can't seem to find a Halo Reach grenade launcher pep file.
I was hoping someone could give me a hand and PM me an unfolded one.
I don't know how to unfold any files, nor do I have the slightest idea of how to 3D model, so please be patient with me.
I am sure they have been done but i am having problems finding the armor i am looking for. If some one could contact me about the ones i am looking for i will give a list.

Started to build a reach Hammer, seeing what the interest will be. i can unwrap once done too.

How the hell do i insert a image lol
Gungnir has been done twice, just search from it. Also dont double post. They will ban you for that!

Also if you visit my thread, or any other GUNGNIR thread visibility and cameras are explained.
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