Halo Reach Assault Rifle Build

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There is the quad stack magazine, found on that of the M4 Spectre and the AK series. Theres also the new gun powered magazine found on the LSAT rifle. Combining the two, I think you can have a mag that can hold 32 rounds, or even 60 like the AK quad mag, requiring very little space.
Oh and BTW, the 7.62 NATO are rimless.
Theres no way you would get that many rounds in there,
they'd have to be triple stacked, I actually had a practical idea,
they could work like one of those box magazines for assault rifles.
instead of being double stack, it could be a U shaped thing, where
rounds would go down to the right, and then go around and back
up to the left. Thats the only way i could think it werks, or downscale
the 7.62s

SURE IT DOES! You’re forgetting one thing... It implements MP cartridge technology. The future is full of cool technology..

Oh and BTW, the 7.62 NATO are rimless.

Yup your right... i used a 7.62 54 as reference and not the 51

So with all the rounds it just doesnt look as cool... maybe they are 3 round bullets and each round shoots three times.. : )


But for display purposes putting a few rounds on the top of the mag adds a cool geek factor of "oh look there’s bullets in it".. So we'll just have to see after I’m done making the thing if I want the impossible bullets on the prop or not. : )
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maybe they are 3 round bullets and each round shoots three times.. : )

Even after all the technobabble I let loose I still had to laugh at that one :-D
(And to be honest, that's also much more plausible than shooting NATO rounds in the year 2500something...)

But you made the mag longer for that last image, didn't you? When I try this on my own plans, the top four bullets are outside gun:


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Yup your right... i used a 7.62 54 as reference and not the 51

Sorry I went nerd on you, just a bad habit from noobs not knowing what a rifle round is:) Yeah, MP technology, She could probably cram a navel gun in that carpet bag.
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the 7.62x54 round is better looking in my opinion.

this is looking awesome man! I like how ypur showing how the bullets might be place in the mag.
The issue with this mag, as it is with my Lancer mag is not so much the height of the mag, but the length. Both magazines are sized such that the bullet that would fit in there, be it double-stacked, or even quad stacked, should be about 4 inches long. Despite the fact that the actual in-game model says in the texture, "7.62 NATO Rounds," the actual size of the mag shows that the bullet should be much LONGER than any bullet-design that has ever existed. Not to mention the fact that there is almost no way that you could fit 32 rounds in that mag (let alone 60 rounds in the Lancer mag!).

The bottom line is that we intend to have a removable magazine, and with that, we'll need some representation of bullets in there.
Holy cow, fantastic work as always. In fact, even more fantastic than usual. I try not to be that guy who says "oh mah gawsh I need a cast I need one", but seriously.

As for the mag, I'm pretty sure Halo weaponry has never been particularly accurate about mag realism. Heck, the Halo 1 AR had 60 bullets crammed into the same sized magazine somehow. Personally, I'd go for "make it look good" over any sort of realism. Seems to be what Bungie does.
The weapons in the Halo universe have Hammerspace magazines. Don't worry about how realistic the mags are, as long as they accentuate your purdy rifle. :D
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