well hallo everyone. It's been quite a while. I really don't have much to update in a physical sense.
The helmet has gotten some love and bondo. It still needs more love and bondo. I'd say she is about 60% done. I still have to smooth out the dome, carve out the top details, and smooth out the rest of the helm, and spot putty. LOTS OF SPOT PUTTY.
Now for the less physical updates. I've been researching lots of under suit and strapping measures. Thanks to a helpful tip from Tim Winn (Timecon), I've learned that cheap black dive skins do the job quite nicely. Here's the one I plan to purchase.
Here it is
Now for strapping. I've done some research(big surpise) on strapping. According to the sticky, too thin strapping will cut into your skin, and too thick does something else bad I forget. I've decided on using 1 inch strapping. Im going to order it from strapworks soon, I just checked out the price and for 20 yards of the stuff its only $3.60. (I don't know if I did something wrong, but that sounds way to good to be true.) I'll have to investigate further.
I'm getting this kind (suggestions would also be helpful)
The Chest/shoulder and belt/leg straps are going to be separate for cosmetic purposes. The chest is going to be army suspenders with an attachment to allow for strapping to come down to the shoulder pieces, and hold those in place.
The belt is going to be attached to the Cod piece using Possibly a slider/loop piece, and strapping will come down from the belt to allow for thigh attachment. It would be easiest to buy a molle leg platform, but for $30 for a pair, I think I'm going to try with the strapping first.
The knees are simply going to be strapping sewn on to the suit, with a buckle so they can change (standard, gungir, grenadeer).
The shins are a head scratcher. Should I even strap them at all? or just add enough padding so they stay in place? I'm open to ideas.
The diagram is below.
I'm open to any and all ideas, tips or tricks. Time is starting to run out for me. I would like to have this not go down to the last minute if at all possible. My deadline stands for the Halo:CEA release, but If I can have it done by Halloween, I'd be thankful. School is kind of in the way, but I try to find a moment to work on things.
In parting news, I just finished unfolding the Dawn under Haven Cod for foam and have the templates cut out. Hopefully by this weekend, it will be fully assembled.
Painting experimenting begins today. I'm going to try sealing with Plasti-dip spray, Liquid nails clear seal, and both for good measure.
its Clear Seal! Paint DOES NOT flake off of this stuff! However, it does not prevent wrinkles if the foam is bent.
I worry about this. Does this mean that Paint wrinkles if foam is bent before hand, or if it happens afterwords? I'll also look into that upon experimentation.
I've decided on using a Noble six Grey for my armor. However the only grey spray paint that I can find in the stores are gloss ones. no flat. I've been told that you can take out gloss with a satin clear coat, but I don't know how that affects foam. I might just buy a cheap paint gun and spray them all with watered down acrylic paint. I'm open to suggestions on this as well.
back to the armor grind. Thanks for looking and as always,