Jr Member
This is phenominal! You put my mold to shame! (yes ill get the pic on the thread) Just wondering where you got the helmet pep, i cant find a Elite Ultra one..havnt really tried...
Thanks again for everything to both Thorn & Starvin! Much appreciated.
Yeah, but I think I have a pretty good plan in place to do it. That the key, developing a good plan before you start sloshing expensive mold making stuff all over something. Lol Thanks for viewing my man.Man, I could already tell, this is gonna be a b**** to mold...good luck!
Thanks my manThis is phenominal! You put my mold to shame! (yes ill get the pic on the thread) Just wondering where you got the helmet pep, i cant find a Elite Ultra one..havnt really tried...
Thanks for the awesome comment my man. I try, I really believe in how we all help each other out here. It’s specialNo problem at all man. I'm glad I can give back to someone who has contributed so much to the community.
That is looking really good Tony!! The detail going into it is really starting to show. Keep it up buddy!!
Your detial lines look really good. Did you use Thorn's method? I want to try the pastic wrap myself on one of my next sculptures. Remember to keep the fold lines runing perpendicular to the contors of the muscle unless you want it to look like muscle fibers. So far you are headed to a very successful sculpture. If you can get a High-Res image of the face, I may be able to help with some of the crease patterns if you'd like. Personally I am really enjoying seeing this come together each time you update.
Keep it up!
edit: I was just looking up texture techniques and found a way to imitate skin folds well for reference. You start with a piece of stretchy fabric like lycra. Attach a dowel to diaganal corners. You can use the dowels to pull the fabric and stretch it much like skin would stretch at joints. It creates natural folds that can then be drawn or photographed to give you a great reference point for sculpting.You can also take an object and push the fabric from the back to see how the fold wrap over different shapes like skin on muscle.
wow.. just wow.. do you plan on (after the mold) doin it in plastic or a latex and soft foam pull?
Looking sweet, And I glade that I could be of some help to someone whom has been so inspirational to me. (Even tho it looks like you didn't really it). I can't wait to see how this turns out, So please keep us posted.
Have I posted yet how totally awesome this is? If not, I have TOTALLY meant to on more than one occasion! The skin is turning out very nicely, and the teeth? OMG!!! Please keep it up, and thanks for all the tips and inspiration!
I noticed you said you'll be using Shell Shock for your mother mold. I just got done using that stuff. I put a small write-up of my initial impressions of it in my Samus build thread. My opinion of it has not improved since I finished de-molding. If you're planning on using it by itself, PLEASE consider reconsidering!! From my inexperienced experience, it's extremely brittle... my mother mold broke and snapped off in a few critical places where I failed to properly reinforce it. Admittedly, I did have to manhandle it to get the two halves of the mother mold to separate, since my registration key placement and general molding plan weren't very good, so you may have better luck. Judging from your Reach helmet, you're MUCH better at mold planning than I am (my 3D spatial "sense" is terrible, and I would LOVE some tips on how you would have done mine!)
Anyway, about Shell Shock... It's basically just a thicker urethane resin. Think SmoothCast, but with viscosity. It's self-leveling, and picks up detail REALLY well, so if your silicone glove mold is really smooth and perfect, and you want your mother mold really tight up on it, it would be good as a first layer, so long as you back it up with something stronger. Also could see it as being not a bad choice if you have a large mold and you need to get into areas where Smooth Cast doesn't seem to stay while slush casting. Other, more experienced members may have had better experiences with it but, for me, as the only mother mold material, I would not recommend it. If you've already bought it, though, you might also get some chopped fibers of some sort to mix in with it. Or, after brushing on a nice thick coat (which may be difficult, as it's very runny), lay on some strips of fiberglass cloth, or burlap, or cheese cloth, or something. Then again, I also only put on single layers of it over the top of thin layers of Plasti-Paste, so maybe multiple, thicker coats would work out fine for you.
Again, your work is beautiful!! Thanks much, and keep it up!!
[EDIT] Just re-read your plan of how you're planning on using it. As long as you either build it up and/or reinforce it you should be fine, and I think it could work well for your first hard casting, too.[/EDIT]
This is epic! Makes me wanna do something with an Elite since all the cool kids are doing it!
42 pages?! For a helmet!? What kinda helmet is this!!!!???? Hahaha great job, looks phenominal. Keep it up!