Hey guys!!!! Guess what!?
I have a friend that will be hooking me up with Kat's helmet!

All I will need to do is paint it and get a visor for it. At that point, all I will need are the boots and to finish up some paint work and my Kat costume will be FINISHED!!!
Now, here is the plan..........
I am HOPING to AT LEAST have this finished in time for the Halo Anniversary release. I stopped by Gamestop today and asked if they will have a midnight release and they said they probably will so if they do, I want to dress up! If possible, I WOULD like to have it finished by September 23rd because on the 24th, we are going to the Detroit FanFare since my husband just HAS to meet Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead).
I want to try and put together some really awesome looking undersuit. I know that if you donate to Operation Chastity, you get access to their pep files and they have a very awesome undersuit, but that is for the male.

If there is ANYONE willing to take on the task of making a model for the FEMALE undersuit, that would be awesome, but only if you got nothing better to do.

I may try and model it myself, but not sure how well that will work out. Need to get some GOOD screenshots.
I will also be trying to paint my armor to look really good and will have to rework the prosthetic arm. I WAS going in a good direction with it, but it seems to sit too low so I want to redo it.
Although, money is a BIG problem at the moment and all I need is ONE more pack of foam. XD Yeah, foam may be cheap, but our bills are VERY high. We are behind a couple months on ALL our bills right now, so..........yeah. :\
In order to raise the money, I have a ALMOST complete set of "minty" Halo trading cards that I would like to sell. Out of 90 cards to complete the set, about 20 are missing. I had bought a whole box off ebay from a pre-sale order and already have a complete set so the cards I'm selling are doubles of what I already have and I don't care for doubles. PM me ONLY if interested.
So that is where my Kat costume currently stands. If I can get some extra cash to buy the few supplies I need, (foam, visor, and possibly paint), I will FINALLY have a finished costume! Remember guys, this is my THIRD attempt at having a costume............my Hayabusa got put on the back burner and my DARE ODST suit never got finished since it got ruined in the rain and was unable to have it done in time for the ODST midinight release. :\ I'm also wanting to sell the unpainted Recon helmet as well, FYI it is a small helmet...........scaled at around 9-10 inches in height.