I have pictures!!!
Once my husband got home from work, I had him help me get the chestplate on. He didn't seem too enthused about helping me and god forbid I bother him while playing his facebook game >:[ I tried to get the right, bicep piece on by myself and it ripped. Go figure! SOOOO many areas of this costume have ripped while trying to get it on and off.
Also, while trying to even get the helmet on, I knocked the helmet attachment, causing it to come loose!!!! D:
I tried SOOOO many ways to get that thing to stay on and it wouldn't. I must really SUCK at this stuff. 
The helmet STILL looks too big and I can't move my head with it on. End of story: I need a new helmet, one that is made to fit my head better. I can't look down, I can't look up and I can barely turn my head from side to side. Also need to get a different visor. The thing is practically clear. It sucks. :\
I HATE the thigh pieces. I TRIED to use craft foam to make the inner thigh pieces, my fat thighs ripped them so I didn't even bother with it. Plus the thigh pieces are hard to get on! There is so much pressure being applied that the left thigh piece has ripped twice!
My plan: make new thigh pieces, hopefully better and slightly bigger. :\
Also, still need to find out a better way to make the right (robot) arm, bicep piece. I need something that won't rip apart so easy and also need to keep that shoulder attachment from flopping around so much. :\ Although, I do like how the right forearm piece came out!
FYI: My husband SUCKS at taking pictures. XD
All in all, I'm just glad to have a fully, wearble costume. Even though it kept ripping and falling apart, at least it looks okay. :\ I also have TOO much space between the belt and the chestplate, but that is because the thigh pieces are on so tight and the flub from my thighs were pulling them down, even though I DID have the thigh pieces strapped to the belt, but the force was pulling the belt down, so..............yeah. :\
Now that I have a decent understanding of working with foam, I may go and start on my hayabusa all over again!
I still have the helmet in it's paper form. That's about all I got though...........and the chestplate that Mr. Streeper fixed for me, but doesn't fit. He thought I was shorter than I really am. He also forgot that I'm uh.......a little top heavy? XD LOL If ya catch my drift. XD
Once my husband got home from work, I had him help me get the chestplate on. He didn't seem too enthused about helping me and god forbid I bother him while playing his facebook game >:[ I tried to get the right, bicep piece on by myself and it ripped. Go figure! SOOOO many areas of this costume have ripped while trying to get it on and off.
The helmet STILL looks too big and I can't move my head with it on. End of story: I need a new helmet, one that is made to fit my head better. I can't look down, I can't look up and I can barely turn my head from side to side. Also need to get a different visor. The thing is practically clear. It sucks. :\
I HATE the thigh pieces. I TRIED to use craft foam to make the inner thigh pieces, my fat thighs ripped them so I didn't even bother with it. Plus the thigh pieces are hard to get on! There is so much pressure being applied that the left thigh piece has ripped twice!
Also, still need to find out a better way to make the right (robot) arm, bicep piece. I need something that won't rip apart so easy and also need to keep that shoulder attachment from flopping around so much. :\ Although, I do like how the right forearm piece came out!
FYI: My husband SUCKS at taking pictures. XD
All in all, I'm just glad to have a fully, wearble costume. Even though it kept ripping and falling apart, at least it looks okay. :\ I also have TOO much space between the belt and the chestplate, but that is because the thigh pieces are on so tight and the flub from my thighs were pulling them down, even though I DID have the thigh pieces strapped to the belt, but the force was pulling the belt down, so..............yeah. :\
Now that I have a decent understanding of working with foam, I may go and start on my hayabusa all over again!