Halo Reach Kat - Foam Armor *FINISHED* 10/31/11

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if you have the money this is similar to what i use. http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-1550-V...02YM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1301770312&sr=8-5 it has an exacto knife blade holder as well as different size tips that are interchangeable for burning in the detail. also has a soldering tip. look into wood burning tools that have a knife blade. they work the best and the wife got me a kit a few weeks back that came with 20 tips to it of different sizes and shapes.
if you have the money this is similar to what i use. http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-1550-V...02YM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1301770312&sr=8-5 it has an exacto knife blade holder as well as different size tips that are interchangeable for burning in the detail. also has a soldering tip. look into wood burning tools that have a knife blade. they work the best and the wife got me a kit a few weeks back that came with 20 tips to it of different sizes and shapes.
Yeah, but I can't afford that. It looks like something I saw at Radio Shack and my husband was almost about to buy it for me until he noticed that it said "Made in China". My husband is on a "buy only american made products" kick and tries to stay away from China made products as much as he can. :p

I've also tried using scissors to, but because of the cutting from the scissors, the edges will look funny. Plus trying to cut some of the smaller areas out get kind of tricky since I don't have a smaller blade to cut those parts out since my blade is wider than the length of the line! XD
Yeah, but I can't afford that. It looks like something I saw at Radio Shack and my husband was almost about to buy it for me until he noticed that it said "Made in China". My husband is on a "buy only american made products" kick and tries to stay away from China made products as much as he can. :p

I've also tried using scissors to, but because of the cutting from the scissors, the edges will look funny. Plus trying to cut some of the smaller areas out get kind of tricky since I don't have a smaller blade to cut those parts out since my blade is wider than the length of the line! XD

Exacto knife scalpel!! :) thats what i use any way.
HaloGoddess have a quick question for you. I’m building my daughter Kats right arm and trying to find some good reference photos. With your attention to detail I was hoping that you had them or could tell me where to find them on the forum. There has to be an easier way than what I’m doing right now which is starting the first level in using the pause button:eek . Found a few on the Internet but they weren’t detailed enough. Any ideas that you have to make the arm look more robotic feel free to share them . I’ve been experimenting with a bunch of materials for the hands, will put some pictures up soon to get your take:)
I don't really know how to ask this but HaloGoddess, is it easier to work with foam or paper for the initial work?? Because I am twelve and have a stack of foam sheets at my house and have some prints for pepakura and even some already pepped work. I don't know if I should make the change to foam or not, because I just want to stay safe and recognizable for my extreme halo fan friends at school. Just wandering. (And I find your post funny, because I live in Beijing, China. :) :) :))
HaloGoddess, That chest has ALLOT of extra depth and its supposed to. If you look at my build you'll see how much more is add to the front. I did have to adjust the new collar to push it back a little more so as to be able to put my arms in front of me. I like the extra space act. it allows more air flow so as not to over heat. Second, yes Latex caulk can be used with foam just make sure it's the paintable type. Third, Hot wire is over rated for detail work unless you pick up the adjustable temperature Pro Power Station. It gets way to hot with out it for those little foamy's. Check out Nicks build http://www.405th.com/showthread.php...m-Armor-And-Pilot-Helmet.-For-SD-Comic-Con-11 This one helped me out with my neck seal and collar concepts. I hope this helped, I sorta feel that I owe you one for all the help you've give'n me. (edit: Ha, after writing this I see you've already hit nicks build)
Aw, come on!!!! :angry

See it yet?

See the freakin hole!??!???!!!!?!?


My templates are NOT working!!!! :angry *cries* This build is getting so darn frustrating!

And then this is what I had to do on the inside to give it that little bend in the back:

See the 2 little pieces that look out of place? I cut 2 little pieces of foam then using a blade, made slits in the back, covered one end of the cut pieces with hot glue, bent the piece so the slits I cut would open more and jammed a piece into each slit. It seems to help keep it in place though. But the front part of the shin seems too short. I'm talking about that angled piece in the very front of the shin. At first I was afraid it was too short and I was about to be depressed, but I kept building to see what it would look like.......


Does it look right? o_O

This picture was HARD to take! XD I had to try and use one hand to hold it on since the other side is obviously not finished and then I had to bend down and hold my camera and hope that I got the picture! XD haha First attempt worked! lol

But now I gotta figure out how to cover that stupid hole and since ALL my pieces are cut this way, I don't know what I am gonna do!!!! :( *cries some more*
You should try using some heat to help get the pieces to flex and stay bent. Maybe with a heat-gun or hairdryer. Just a suggestion to try! :D
Well the pieces I added to the inside to keep it bent seems to work really good. At least this way I know it won't ever come out of shape. I don't think a heat gun or anything will work too well on getting that sharp bend in the back. And even if it does bend it, I don't think it would hold too well due to the pressure from the shape of this thing! XD

As for the hole, I'm just gonna try and cut out a piece that will fit and then glue it in place. HOPEFULLY that solves my problem. :|
Oh yea, for a sharp bend a heat gun wouldn't work. How are you going to smoothen it or cover the seams? (I've been out of the loop a while. I've searched on here to find foam tutorial and examples. I've been able to find BenStreeper's thread but can't find others.)
Halogoddess. don't know if it's relevent anymore, but that visor Callader posted the link to is in my opinion the best choice for you. Kat's visor is almost a full face from just above the brow to just under the lower lip. It's a very distinctive look. His helemt is one of the best I've seen, the other being Acenat's. The way that helmet and visor mated was heavenly.

Just thought you'd like a word from an observer
Oh yea, for a sharp bend a heat gun wouldn't work. How are you going to smoothen it or cover the seams? (I've been out of the loop a while. I've searched on here to find foam tutorial and examples. I've been able to find BenStreeper's thread but can't find others.)
As far as the seams go, everyone seems to be mentioning plasti-dip for it. Although I've read that people mention to use it as a good base coat before painting, but I am not using spray paint in order to paint my armor so I didn't really worry about buying the stuff, but after talking to someone else about the seams, they said that the plasti-dip works well for covering the seams. I guess you can buy the stuff at home depot or lowes.

Also managed to cut out a piece to cover the hole. It seems to work. Now I just gotta take care of the unslightly seams! XD I've also started working on the pieces for the other side of the shin piece. I'll post pics once that is done. :)
Well, it's finished. Not exaclty happy with it, but eh, whatever.





While I took the above pictures, I still had a piece to add on. I ended up adding it AFTER I took those pictures and it was the piece that goes in the front on the bottom:


So now my shin is all done. Now time to do the other one.........XD
That looks really good! I like how well it looks like it fits. Does the foam have some flex to put on the shin? I know sometimes the Halo 3 ones, when scaled, sometimes gave trouble to fitting your foot through it.

I'm temped to try the foam method on my Halo 3 armor for the lower extremities. (College comes first ;D)

That looks really good! I like how well it looks like it fits. Does the foam have some flex to put on the shin? I know sometimes the Halo 3 ones, when scaled, sometimes gave trouble to fitting your foot through it.

I'm temped to try the foam method on my Halo 3 armor for the lower extremities. (College comes first ;D)

Yes there is some flex. I had no problem getting my foot through considering that bend that I have in the back of the shin. :) I also know exactly what you are talking about with the MK VI shin piece. I had that problem too when I made mine. I was hoping that maybe my foot would be small enough to fit through, but it wasn't. I had to cut out a piece then find a way to attach it back on after I got my foot through. I never finished it though, but the foam really helps a great deal in allowing you to put the piece on without having to make any adjustments. :)
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