Bryce Youtsey
i know how you feel. I never really started using blender cause it just seemed confusing to work with haha.
Yeah, but I can't afford that. It looks like something I saw at Radio Shack and my husband was almost about to buy it for me until he noticed that it said "Made in China". My husband is on a "buy only american made products" kick and tries to stay away from China made products as much as he can.if you have the money this is similar to what i use. it has an exacto knife blade holder as well as different size tips that are interchangeable for burning in the detail. also has a soldering tip. look into wood burning tools that have a knife blade. they work the best and the wife got me a kit a few weeks back that came with 20 tips to it of different sizes and shapes.
Yeah, but I can't afford that. It looks like something I saw at Radio Shack and my husband was almost about to buy it for me until he noticed that it said "Made in China". My husband is on a "buy only american made products" kick and tries to stay away from China made products as much as he can.
I've also tried using scissors to, but because of the cutting from the scissors, the edges will look funny. Plus trying to cut some of the smaller areas out get kind of tricky since I don't have a smaller blade to cut those parts out since my blade is wider than the length of the line! XD
As far as the seams go, everyone seems to be mentioning plasti-dip for it. Although I've read that people mention to use it as a good base coat before painting, but I am not using spray paint in order to paint my armor so I didn't really worry about buying the stuff, but after talking to someone else about the seams, they said that the plasti-dip works well for covering the seams. I guess you can buy the stuff at home depot or lowes.Oh yea, for a sharp bend a heat gun wouldn't work. How are you going to smoothen it or cover the seams? (I've been out of the loop a while. I've searched on here to find foam tutorial and examples. I've been able to find BenStreeper's thread but can't find others.)
Yes there is some flex. I had no problem getting my foot through considering that bend that I have in the back of the shin.That looks really good! I like how well it looks like it fits. Does the foam have some flex to put on the shin? I know sometimes the Halo 3 ones, when scaled, sometimes gave trouble to fitting your foot through it.
I'm temped to try the foam method on my Halo 3 armor for the lower extremities. (College comes first ;D)