Halo Reach Mk V [B] Build Log

Dang, I gotta hand it to the foam smiths, y'all have way more patience and dedication than me. I'm gonna have to learn here soon tho as I get into the under suit. But y'all are talented, that looks great
Thanks. For me it's lack of patience. You get instant gratification. You cut a piece and glue. Cut a piece and glue. You can adjust and make corrections on the fly by sanding or cutting another piece.

Fir example I had to adjust the last few pieces of the back top and even had to draft a piece by hand. However, it's all done and ready for clean up.

Clean up is likely to take all weekend as I let foam clay and joint compound dry before a final sanding.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. It's been quiet lately because I actually went back and redid the shins. Here what the new set looks like.




I think it's important to show that this is a process and sometimes you got to go back. Here's what the old set looks like next to the new one.

I made sure to be a bit more consistent with details while also cleaning up and adding more. Here's another example of how I wasn't happy with how my seams came out.

At this time I've made about 3 pairs of shins.

Anyways, let me know your thoughts. I'll be moving on to clean up the shins and building the knee plates
This is looking very promising so far. If it comes out anything like your helmet, I'm very exited to see the finished suit
Thanks. I'm hoping it turns out good. Just got to trust the process.

With the new shins built and seams filled. I've managed to finish my knee plates. Got some minor sewing in my future, but the shins and knees should be built and ready for final processing this weekend.


I'm still probably a week out from paint.
Thanks. I'm hoping it turns out good. Just got to trust the process.

With the new shins built and seams filled. I've managed to finish my knee plates. Got some minor sewing in my future, but the shins and knees should be built and ready for final processing this weekend.

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I'm still probably a week out from paint.
I gotta ask where did you get your files for it cause I really love this and I am looking to do mine in foam!
Waiting on somethings to ship to continue the armor so I busted out my combat knife.

Just need to do joint filling and it'll be ready for paint.



Let me know what you think.
Finished my Spartan knife.



Next part are bracers. As always, let me know what you think and if you have any questions.


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WiP update. Started a bracer since that's the last piece that will likely not be effected by my undersuit.

The undersuit is still a partially put together body suit, so won't have anything to show for that for a few days.

Until next time.
Are those knee joints flexible? How will you keep them in place, but flexible? Amazing work with the foam. I’m printing the same knee pieces so I’m curious about function.
Are those knee joints flexible? How will you keep them in place, but flexible? Amazing work with the foam. I’m printing the same knee pieces so I’m curious about function.
Yes. They are flexible. I have a piece of elastic connecting the top and bottom. The elastic pulls down, so it'll pull the top towards my knee, so it bends with my knee. Once I have the undersuit put together I plan to add a piece of velcro to help keep it in place.
Yes. They are flexible. I have a piece of elastic connecting the top and bottom. The elastic pulls down, so it'll pull the top towards my knee, so it bends with my knee. Once I have the undersuit put together I plan to add a piece of velcro to help keep it in place.
That is genius. Bookmarking this for future! Wonder how I can 3D print it to behave that way…
So quick update. The preliminary building of my right bracer and TACPAD are done. I'm on to filling in seams. Final details for the bracer are on the work table. Now that I have the TACPAD built I can get started on my left bracer.

Heads up. I will show I am making the TACPAD screen once it's done, so stick around and let me know your thoughts.
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