The delivery...
Two days ago a Package containing 25!! 1cm thick foam sheets arrived.
I already printed the model out on paper and had cut the slices out of the paper.
So in other words the construction could start as soon as i was home. Construction began and after two days of almost non-stop glueing cutting and sticking pieces together I finnaly had all the correct slices cut out.
This morning I couldt resist and stuck all the slices temporarily together with 18cm long sticks and some needles.
the result is better then i expected tho

Here are some pictures:
The package as deliverd
The slices printed out and glued with wood glue onto the sheats
Here i was busy with cutting all the slices out of the foam
And the 'Sticking it together came'... this was a rather unpleasant work as i was constantly afraid of pushing to hard on certain pieces or perhaps breaking them. lucky enough that didn`t even happen once.
And then finnaly after a Great Journey 'The moment of Salvation' arrived when i stuck the last pieces in place.
Now just finding a way to continiue. I am planning to add lights in it and a revolving light cercuit at the main laser beam to reconstruct the glassing effect.
Fortunately Blur Studios showed exactly how the mechanism of the main glassing beam works in one of there cuttscenes in Halo Wars 2.
This showed somthing of a rottary circle, cirkeling around the beam. Perhaps this is to genterate somekind of magnetic energie?