Halo the series - cancelled


Well-Known Member
Member DIN

I hope they find a new distributor. Ya know this has to be related to P+ loosing hundreds of millions last year and more the year before and now being sold to Skydance. I bet by the end of 2025 they will close down the streaming service completely. There's been lots of talk about that in the Star Trek community because it means a move for the entire Trek franchise.

We could argue until the cows come home about being canon or not or this or that - and please lets NOT do that - But from a cosplayer perspective the suits were cool and they solved a lot of the real-world range of motion and mobility issues we face because we don't have the luxury of mesh collisions and parts just passing through other parts.
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I'm still upset about this. Sure the story had some faults, but the vfx, props and armor, and acting were great. And honestly, I'm now looking for the physical copies of the series and will end up cancelling Paramount+. This was the only reason I subscribed to it.
There were parts I definitely thought they could improve upon.

But I definitely agree that the armour looked amazing. I just would have liked we got more time with Masterchief in armour and doing the heroics that show us why Masterchief is so admired and cool.
Agreed. I saw S2 as a course correction and envisioned S3 to further correct to get in line. I kinda see that happening with the introduction of The Flood, Chief by himself on the Ring. Basically (as far as I grasp the games I haven't played) this sort of brings it in line with the start of CE - almost as if S1 and S2 could be considered a prequel to that point - if one is willing to accept a large amount of artistic license to help bridge the gap in media from active player to passive viewer; much in the same way we see changes when books are brought to the screen and characters get morphed and merged and plots change etc.
Point being - I thought they were getting the show in-line with broader audience acceptance and if you look at the leap they took from S1 to S2 and project that as another equal leap from S2 to S3 I was expecting S3 to be even more widely accepted and a lot of fun.
Yeah they had to do a lot of damage control from season 1 to 2, but I feel like they did a good job of that. The ending of season 2 introduced so much and set up season 3 to be on the right path. Hopefully we'll get that chance
Season 2 also had some nice elements of horror going on too. Showing how nasty the flood really were. Like it's kinda shown in the games, but not as much as like the TV show did it. In a way had a very Walking Dead (when the show first came out) kind of feeling to it.

And I still hope they can make a third season, I do think it'd be even better since they found their footing in season 2 and can work from there.
They did great with picking up The Expanse. My only fear is because the Halo show has gotten so much hate from people, other companies are going to be hesitant
That is a possibility. I just hope they can understand why there was hate. I mean, even Paramount caught on and pivoted for season 2.

I hope they find a new distributor. Ya know this has to be related to P+ loosing hundreds of millions last year and more the year before and now being sold to Skydance. I bet by the end of 2025 they will close down the streaming service completely. There's been lots of talk about that in the Star Trek community because it means a move for the entire Trek franchise.

We could argue until the cows come home about being canon or not or this or that - and please lets NOT do that - But from a cosplayer perspective the suits were cool and they solved a lot of the real-world range of motion and mobility issues we face because we don't have the luxury of mesh collisions and parts just passing through other parts.
I enjoyed the show for what it was. I liken it to a lot of the Star Wars content that has recently come out. While it may not be what everyone wants to see, it is still new content within the universe we all love. I hope another streaming platform picks it up.
Glad the show is done and over with, it was not halo and had no business being under the halo name. Good riddance.
I actually quite enjoyed it. Maybe just watching it for what it was.......some serious artistic license. Season two was a significant step up and i even got the impression the actors thought that too from the pre release trailers etc. The actions scenes were great and some of the character progression was pretty good too. Hopefully its picked up again now that we have arrived on the ring.
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