Halo: The Series Discussion Thread

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Huh. I'm not having that issue. Watching on nothing more than the built in speakers of a Visio 70" 4k with virtual surround turned on and it sounds really good. Spartans under helmets are very bass-y but I can understand them just fine and I'm 55. Do you have your entertainment system set to "bass boost" or something for when you're listening to music? Because if you're going for strong bass thump, then add that deep bass they're using it could be everything Spartan is coming purely from your subwoofer.

I'm *choosing* to think this way as well. Otherwise you can't explain the one being impaled by a dull end of pipe.

Do you have a link for that?
This was the video by IGN I remembered.
I am using a custom audio setting for headphones that boosts the bass. I'll have to see what happens when I drop them back to default settings.
@S225 I am using a custom audio setting for headphones that boosts the bass. I'll have to see what happens when I drop them back to default settings.
I know my iPhone has a preset for "spoken word". Great for audio books, old time radio shows and even YouTube where the presenter doesn't have the best microphone setup. Maybe you have something like that, maybe "voice boost" or "dialog boost".

John goes to The Rubble. Soren was not expecting him. But Soren is in his armor.
Its been 22 years. Has Soren been wearing the same body suit and armor every day for 22 years? His wife never once said "Hey Honey, how about a pair of jeans for every day. I thought you wanted to leave the UNSC behind you.
I had a similar question. I assume that he just wears it when he goes out and about. Ya know for protection in the place of "total freedom". I feel like that's not a spoiler since it doesn't mean anything if you haven't seen the episode... More amazing to me that it still fits properly.

I will say that I really enjoy this show. These little things aren't enough to bother me. I actually rewatched the first episode before watching the second and still really enjoyed it.

Episode 2 was almost everything I wanted it to be. Jon left the girl and returned to UNSC. We got some insight into the object and the human who is living with the Covenant, though its weird that her sleeves were a separate part of her outfit... We also got some backstory about Jon and saw that he has a history of maybe violating orders and going against the system. I think he shouldn't though (and was glad that he didn't). I think its great that Jon went back to the UNSC because he recognized the threat posed by the Covenant superseded his own "stuff". He had to go back and figure out how to stop the Covenant even though it meant punishment (but you know Halsey has his back). Its bigger than him and he knows he needs to do whatever he must to help. He was so committed to returning it really made me happy. The UNSC is his home, his family, the people he trusts - that is the Master Chief I know from the games.

I do wish the other guys wasn't named Soren though. It kinda ruins the "Soren protocol" Mass Effect easter egg in the first episode. Soren in ME, is a traitor who joins up with an enemy to take over and kill everyone - a threat that warrants the entire UNSC, warthogs, and Spartans ready to f&@$ him up upon his return. Soren in Halo is a deserter who didn't take to the brainwashing and just wants to live a normal life. Halo Soren doesn't seem like he needs such a dramatic reaction to his disobedience.

OOH! When are we gonna get some patterns or something for that undersuit tho! It had so much screen time and looked so comfortable.

Also I cannot wait to see Cortana meet the Chief!

I have also had no issues with audio, I have been watching on my phone and on a TV - nothing special just a tv with some old computer speakers plugged in. If you can't understand the Spartans I would recommend checking your sound settings.

Should we start a different thread for predictions/hopes for the show?
@FalseShepherd OOH! When are we gonna get some patterns or something for that undersuit tho! It had so much screen time and looked so comfortable.
I know, right. Its like they crafted that episode for the cosplayers by putting that in good/normal lighting with lots of standing poses instead of blurry running action. I watched the episode, then turned right around and started dismantling for 4k screenshots.
Today I'm going to jump in to Fusion360 and start working on parts, greeblies and maybe take a stab at that 'not carbon fiber' pattern on the plates.

Today I'm going to jump in to Fusion360 and start working on parts, greeblies and maybe take a stab at that 'not carbon fiber' pattern on the plates.
should have slept, but then I wouldn't have these to put on the printer {later} in the morning.


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Well, my honest thoughts are harsh, to say the least...

First things first some pros:
* I think that the actors do everything they can with what they have. And I didn't really see any "flat" acting from anyone other than a couple of the extras.
* The Action at the beginning was enjoyable though after the first watch and seeing it start to finish on the 3rd or 4th watch errors become clearer. but it was still fun.
* Visuals. there are some beautiful establishing shots in this and the ship models are very faithful to what I would expect.

On to the bad:
* Inconsistent CGI there are some shots that are beautiful and then you have others that are clearly just wrong. My example is the 2 different "Jumps" that Chief has in the fight. the first seems to accurately portray momentum and gravity, with a clear standard arc that is smooth. In the second jump, neither of these seem to be present causing the jump to look sped up. This is a repeated issue that I have seen and that is just 1 example.
* Pacing/writing. the show starts off well but after the action is done the pacing is all over the place, and I cannot figure out why. one moment you are having a calm conversation and the next it's like you have a ticking clock, and then you are having an ego battle between people that can't bother to listen to each other for more than 2 seconds.
* Casting. there were casting choices that I will condemn this show for till the day I die. I will not forgive people for complaining about "Whitewashing" characters and then they go and do the exact same thing in the other direction. Both Jacob and Miranda were cast for an "inclusion" checkbox and no one will be able to convince me otherwise.
*Dialogue and character portrayal. Jacob and Miranda Keyes got the short end of the stick and it shows. As much as I don't like the shift in the Spartan's backstory; Erased/locked memories. I cannot equate Captain Keyes from both the books and the games to the man in this show. The same falls true for Miranda as well. The diplomacy scene where she talks to the girl is so bad. I did not see the UNSC Captain I had expected (Even though the show has said that she is a scientist she is in UNSC Uniform) and instead saw someone that looked as if this was the first time they had ever tried talking to another person in their entire life. There was no investment in the "turning point" that the scene was trying to set up.
* Evil very very bad UNSC. I get it the UNSC did some crap to deserve their reputation, but the human covenant war started in 2525 over a quarter-century ago (in the timeline) but everyone (the insurrection especially) acts as if it has only been happening for a couple of years. (UNSC Propaganda) The UNSC basically abandoned the outer colonies to fend for their own. And in the main timeline, most of them were gone by 2536. which is just 1 more reason I cannot get behind this show.

Finally the big one: abandoning the timeline. I cannot and will not excuse this. a show would have been the perfect way to tell the halo story. Pick any 1 of the books and run. Contact Harvest, Fall of Reach, Halo: the Flood, etc... Just pick one and adapt it slightly to fit a video format. telling the "same old story" isn't about making something new. it is about telling it, and telling it well. and in abandoning the main timeline (story) they abandoned long-time fans, just to get the largest common denominator. but they needed the fans to vouch for the show and get people on board. As it stands they have only created a point of confusion for new fans, and a point of frustration for old ones.

This show as it stands is 1 thing: a mistake that cannot be taken back.

it is harsh and unforgiving I know, but I just can't accept what we got.
You make some fine points, but I disagree with your conclusions. Personally, I dont really notice CGI issues. Maybe I just dont look for them idk, I grew up with the Star Wars Prequals so CGI is something I look past.

MC's weird sped up jump was hilarious, but I am gonna chock it up to his armor weight making him fall faster. I know that wouldn't have that much of an effect in that short of a jump, but eh whatever. I am totally Ok with changing the race of Miranda and Cpt Keyes. What was weirder to me was that Halsey was Miranda's mom.... Idk if that was canon in the games and books but that seemed unnecessary and weird to me. I am totally OK with the recasting, but wish they had left the characters the same. They are both so tame compared to what I saw in the games! But again, they announced ahead of time that this show is not in the same timeline as the games and books and whatnot, so we should not be shocked by inconsistencies like that. They intentionally made it a new thing with new lore and history and canon and everything else. I think they made Miranda intentionally look shy and timid because they are going to give her an arc. Maybe she will become the Miranda we know and love from the games! Same for Jacob Keyes, he's such a big dude he's got to have a beast-mode scene at some point!
I think the pace/writing issues are ok because you are also talking about the difference between scenes. You must really hate DC movies (talk about inconsistent pace). You see how some characters don't get along and can't work together and you see how some have a rapport, all while maintaining a sense of urgency that the characters feel as their superiors breath down their necks looking for results. Also, It shows the conflict within the machine that is keeping it from functioning perfectly and is hurting their ability to fight the covenant. These communication issues and turmoil are directly indicative and symbolic of the turmoil and struggle of losing to the covenant.

I do agree that I dislike the evil UNSC aura that seems to be permeating this show so far. I think its important to show that side of the argument, but I always argue that the military is doing what it needs to do to react to the situations at hand. Maybe they make some questionable choices but they are burdened with looking at the big picture and sometimes have to make compromises. I think (hope) in the coming episodes we will see the good sides of the UNSC and their handling of the war and insurrections.

As a life long fan, I cannot agree that they should have just put a book into a TV show. That is lazy and would not give them any creative room. There ARE plenty of stories that fit inside the existing canon and universe that they could have told, or even written and then told, but I am glad they didn't just put one of the books into TV form. They weren't trying to "tell the same old story" they were trying to tell a new story. As a long time fan, its not frustrating to me. I also think its a fallacy to make statements about the show as a whole before seeing where they are going with it. Only two episodes have aired. Let's see what happens in the rest of the show - it might surprise you!
You make some fine points, but I disagree with your conclusions. Personally, I dont really notice CGI issues. Maybe I just dont look for them idk, I grew up with the Star Wars Prequals so CGI is something I look past.

MC's weird sped up jump was hilarious, but I am gonna chock it up to his armor weight making him fall faster. I know that wouldn't have that much of an effect in that short of a jump, but eh whatever. I am totally Ok with changing the race of Miranda and Cpt Keyes. What was weirder to me was that Halsey was Miranda's mom.... Idk if that was canon in the games and books but that seemed unnecessary and weird to me. I am totally OK with the recasting, but wish they had left the characters the same. They are both so tame compared to what I saw in the games! But again, they announced ahead of time that this show is not in the same timeline as the games and books and whatnot, so we should not be shocked by inconsistencies like that. They intentionally made it a new thing with new lore and history and canon and everything else. I think they made Miranda intentionally look shy and timid because they are going to give her an arc. Maybe she will become the Miranda we know and love from the games! Same for Jacob Keyes, he's such a big dude he's got to have a beast-mode scene at some point!
I think the pace/writing issues are ok because you are also talking about the difference between scenes. You must really hate DC movies (talk about inconsistent pace). You see how some characters don't get along and can't work together and you see how some have a rapport, all while maintaining a sense of urgency that the characters feel as their superiors breath down their necks looking for results. Also, It shows the conflict within the machine that is keeping it from functioning perfectly and is hurting their ability to fight the covenant. These communication issues and turmoil are directly indicative and symbolic of the turmoil and struggle of losing to the covenant.

I do agree that I dislike the evil UNSC aura that seems to be permeating this show so far. I think its important to show that side of the argument, but I always argue that the military is doing what it needs to do to react to the situations at hand. Maybe they make some questionable choices but they are burdened with looking at the big picture and sometimes have to make compromises. I think (hope) in the coming episodes we will see the good sides of the UNSC and their handling of the war and insurrections.

As a life long fan, I cannot agree that they should have just put a book into a TV show. That is lazy and would not give them any creative room. There ARE plenty of stories that fit inside the existing canon and universe that they could have told, or even written and then told, but I am glad they didn't just put one of the books into TV form. They weren't trying to "tell the same old story" they were trying to tell a new story. As a long time fan, its not frustrating to me. I also think its a fallacy to make statements about the show as a whole before seeing where they are going with it. Only two episodes have aired. Let's see what happens in the rest of the show - it might surprise you!

I Highlighted a couple of things to reply to. No hate just where I am coming from.

Halsey is canonically Miranda's mother, but it is never mentioned in the games.

I do hate the newer DC movies for their pacing issues.

A creative room isn't required here for the first try and that is the problem. People already did the creative part. the Lord of the Rings movies did this very well. The creative is adapting what is there to fit the medium not abandoning what is there to abuse the medium.

And you are right there are plenty of stories that they could have told in the main timeline that could have worked beautifully. but they abandoned that to "Explore their own vision of this universe" I am sorry, I don't what another The Last Jedi or Avatar the Last Airbender. Halo isn't Marvel and it cannot survive for long with a disintegrating timeline. I am a lore nerd when it comes to a lot of this and all I feel is betrayed by this show.

But that no longer matters to me the pilot is supposed to be the big hook that invests you in the show. And I cannot even be bothered to be invested because it isn't even the universe I know. It might have the same looks, the same names, and the same locations, but this show is not Halo. Even if the show did a full 180 and ended on master chief coming out of cryo like it was all a dream on the Pillar of Autumn it still would not be a good show.
I Highlighted a couple of things to reply to. No hate just where I am coming from.

Halsey is canonically Miranda's mother, but it is never mentioned in the games.

I do hate the newer DC movies for their pacing issues.

A creative room isn't required here for the first try and that is the problem. People already did the creative part. the Lord of the Rings movies did this very well. The creative is adapting what is there to fit the medium not abandoning what is there to abuse the medium.

And you are right there are plenty of stories that they could have told in the main timeline that could have worked beautifully. but they abandoned that to "Explore their own vision of this universe" I am sorry, I don't what another The Last Jedi or Avatar the Last Airbender. Halo isn't Marvel and it cannot survive for long with a disintegrating timeline. I am a lore nerd when it comes to a lot of this and all I feel is betrayed by this show.

But that no longer matters to me the pilot is supposed to be the big hook that invests you in the show. And I cannot even be bothered to be invested because it isn't even the universe I know. It might have the same looks, the same names, and the same locations, but this show is not Halo. Even if the show did a full 180 and ended on master chief coming out of cryo like it was all a dream on the Pillar of Autumn it still would not be a good show.
No hate here either brother. Just trying to give an alternate view
Well, my honest thoughts are harsh, to say the least...

First things first some pros:
* I think that the actors do everything they can with what they have. And I didn't really see any "flat" acting from anyone other than a couple of the extras.
* The Action at the beginning was enjoyable though after the first watch and seeing it start to finish on the 3rd or 4th watch errors become clearer. but it was still fun.
* Visuals. there are some beautiful establishing shots in this and the ship models are very faithful to what I would expect.

On to the bad:
* Inconsistent CGI there are some shots that are beautiful and then you have others that are clearly just wrong. My example is the 2 different "Jumps" that Chief has in the fight. the first seems to accurately portray momentum and gravity, with a clear standard arc that is smooth. In the second jump, neither of these seem to be present causing the jump to look sped up. This is a repeated issue that I have seen and that is just 1 example.
* Pacing/writing. the show starts off well but after the action is done the pacing is all over the place, and I cannot figure out why. one moment you are having a calm conversation and the next it's like you have a ticking clock, and then you are having an ego battle between people that can't bother to listen to each other for more than 2 seconds.
* Casting. there were casting choices that I will condemn this show for till the day I die. I will not forgive people for complaining about "Whitewashing" characters and then they go and do the exact same thing in the other direction. Both Jacob and Miranda were cast for an "inclusion" checkbox and no one will be able to convince me otherwise.
*Dialogue and character portrayal. Jacob and Miranda Keyes got the short end of the stick and it shows. As much as I don't like the shift in the Spartan's backstory; Erased/locked memories. I cannot equate Captain Keyes from both the books and the games to the man in this show. The same falls true for Miranda as well. The diplomacy scene where she talks to the girl is so bad. I did not see the UNSC Captain I had expected (Even though the show has said that she is a scientist she is in UNSC Uniform) and instead saw someone that looked as if this was the first time they had ever tried talking to another person in their entire life. There was no investment in the "turning point" that the scene was trying to set up.
* Evil very very bad UNSC. I get it the UNSC did some crap to deserve their reputation, but the human covenant war started in 2525 over a quarter-century ago (in the timeline) but everyone (the insurrection especially) acts as if it has only been happening for a couple of years. (UNSC Propaganda) The UNSC basically abandoned the outer colonies to fend for their own. And in the main timeline, most of them were gone by 2536. which is just 1 more reason I cannot get behind this show.

Finally the big one: abandoning the timeline. I cannot and will not excuse this. a show would have been the perfect way to tell the halo story. Pick any 1 of the books and run. Contact Harvest, Fall of Reach, Halo: the Flood, etc... Just pick one and adapt it slightly to fit a video format. telling the "same old story" isn't about making something new. it is about telling it, and telling it well. and in abandoning the main timeline (story) they abandoned long-time fans, just to get the largest common denominator. but they needed the fans to vouch for the show and get people on board. As it stands they have only created a point of confusion for new fans, and a point of frustration for old ones.

This show as it stands is 1 thing: a mistake that cannot be taken back.

it is harsh and unforgiving I know, but I just can't accept what we got.
I totally agree with this review, especially the last paragraph. I refuse to watch this show based on them totally abandoning everything that was the essence of halo. This is a fair amount of terrible writing wrapped up around people in Spartan armor and masked as the halo universe. The CGI is also complete trash for me, I see no value whatsoever in this show as it plainly isn't halo but generic scifi 9 with halo branding.
I totally agree in principal when there are changes to canon just so someone in hollyweird can say "Look what I did". I tends to be that line "so busying seeing if they can do a thing to not think about if they should do a thing."

As a long-time Star Trek fan I have the same gut-punch reaction to the alternate timeline "Kelvin" movies that clearly flopped so badly they can't muster up a 4th. Followed up by Discovery and Picard that are so horrible they ruined and entire streaming network that had to be re-branded.

Its interesting to read others saying "its not Halo, its generic scifi with Halo branding" as that's exactly what I said about Discovery. "They could have done so much within the universe it made no sense to change the universe" - again exactly what I screamed about Discovery.

And I'll throw this in - I said it before and I'll say it again - The fans let this happen. Ronald Moore *reinvisioned* Battlestar Galactica and we all loved it. Then every hack in CA thought they would do the same thing. There was no massive cry out against the total destruction of the Klingon race as we knew it. People shrugged and said "yeah, well its just Klingons. Its just one show. Better to have this version of Trek than none at all." Same with an entire generation of viewers passively agreeing to the shift in Star Wars and continuing to pay money for the newer stuff shoveled out. And thus precedence was set. A couple franchises in proved rewriting history and canon is something the fan base(s) will accept.

And yet - as much as I think those Trek shows are horrible from my perspective as a Klingon for the last 30 years, I cannot deny the following they have. It astounds me every time I read "its the best show on TV" and I think to myself "do they need a handler to keep them from drooling on their shoes? They must be half brain dead."

And yet, major companies don't throw away millions on a whim. Somewhere there are sales numbers that keep justifying the renewed production. A movie that flops is unexpected. But to renew a show season after season is a calculated thing. Though mistakes happen there too like killing Firefly or Farscape or the recent end to The Expanse. Those are bad decision about NOT writing a check which is the typical leaning of big business. But continuing very expensive shows means someone is looking at numbers and still willing to sign a check.

For the first time I'm on the other side of that equation. Its kind of weird to me. And intellectually interesting. I scream against changes to Star Trek but now don't know the changes to Halo canon. For me the series is (1) a new franchise to enjoy on its own merits and fill the sci-fi void in my entertainment life. (2) a new cosplay and community source as my old one fade away to the sands of time. and (3) probably end up being a gateway drug to the games much the same way The Expanse series was a gateway to the source material novels.

As a marketing tool, a series that goes wide and picks up several million new fans is not a bad way to expand the game sales by several million new players. People that watch a show or movie then read the books manage to enjoy both. They enjoy the movie because they aren't comparring it to previously known information. Then they read the book and enjoy that too going "Oh, that's the background of Mr. Widget." I suspect the same will happen here. A few million people new to the franchise will enjoy the new show because they have no reason not to. A few million more will bitch and moan about the new show, but continue to watch it because its their beloved franchise. The season will end. They will want to fill that void. They will buy the game(s) to immerse themselves between seasons, then enjoy those too. Not a stupid approach on the part of the suits that control these things.
I am so excited for the next episode! I get antsy on Monday waiting for the next episode to drop! Rewatched episode 2 over the weekend.

I just love the moment when he decides to go back to the UNSC. It's like he realizes that the Covenant threat is so much bigger than anything else he's got going on. He's like "f*** this kid and finding my humanity. The priority has to be stopping the covenant." And he's so confident in it. I just love it! He steps up to do his duty above everything else, because he is part of something bigger than himself and he has to do his part to save humanity. It just gives me chills of anticipation - like $h*ts about to go down!
I am so excited for the next episode! I get antsy on Monday waiting for the next episode to drop! Rewatched episode 2 over the weekend.

I just love the moment when he decides to go back to the UNSC. It's like he realizes that the Covenant threat is so much bigger than anything else he's got going on. He's like "f*** this kid and finding my humanity. The priority has to be stopping the covenant." And he's so confident in it. I just love it! He steps up to do his duty above everything else, because he is part of something bigger than himself and he has to do his part to save humanity. It just gives me chills of anticipation - like $h*ts about to go down!
Same! Since attack on titan has finished this is my new weekly show :D

I hope we get some more action in this episode. It feels like we've had a lot of lore/ groundwork stuff and I really want to see some Spartans go HAM!
Well I have to say that the show is definitely growing on me. I was part of a few to go to the NYC screening of episode #4 representing the 405th last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not going to give away any spoilers but they are developing the characters and back stories which is good. MY daughter has not played any of the HALO games nor knows any of the story-line, but loved the show and actually watched episode one on the way home......just so she could catch up.
I agree about s01e04. It was really nice to see the rest of the team portrayed as more than just machines that bleed. I get that its a good mythos for the military to propagate to build fear, awe and confidence. It gets you that 'Terminator speech' from s01e01 about they just keep killing and will not stop, in the minds of the rebels.

Kinda sad that it extends within their own service as well as evidenced by Dr. Keyes never have even talked to them before let alone considered them to be worth working with. But that probably goes to not forming human attachments and Halsey not wanting her toys emotional broken.

Great to see them shown as MORE THAN human... "Speaks all the languages of the colonized worlds", and Keyes eyes get big and jaw drops. Loved that.
  • Doctor Keyes for all her studying and pride about the Sangehli language bested by some 'grunts' who just take it in stride as something picked up in the course of doing their duty. Too fraking funny.
  • Vanek credited for being the real source of shield technological advancement.
  • Just nice to see they are super soldiers in more ways then just size and fighting skill.
Well I have to say that the show is definitely growing on me. I was part of a few to go to the NYC screening of episode #4 representing the 405th last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not going to give away any spoilers but they are developing the characters and back stories which is good. MY daughter has not played any of the HALO games nor knows any of the story-line, but loved the show and actually watched episode one on the way home......just so she could catch up.
When are more details about that event going to come out Dirtdives2424
Hi everybody its been a while!!

I just watched the first episode of the Halo TV series and I don't like it. Whatever it is.........it's not Halo to me. It makes me sad. I didn't read most of the posts in here yet but I will drop my 2 cents here which will probably cover most of what everyone has said.

I know they dropped a ton of money on this to make it look amazing and it does. BUT....I am pretty sure that planet was glassed like in 2528 or something like that. Master Chief took his helmet off?!! Really??!! They didn't have the correct tactics for Spartans, not only did he disobey orders he went AWOL! Ok......what about the Keyes's? Um I was absolutely confused by that entire thing, pretty sure that's all wrong but hey I may or may not give it a chance.

I just wish they could have stayed pure to the lore a little more. I don't know.

Well that's all I have. It's great hanging out here with all of you and have a great day!!

---BadKitty S0327
I just watched the first episode of the Halo TV series and I don't like it. Whatever it is.........it's not Halo to me. It makes me sad. I didn't read most of the posts in here yet but I will drop my 2 cents here which will probably cover most of what everyone has said.

I know a lot of people that didn't get in to The Expanse on the first few episode either. Then by s01e06 they were hooked.

Big shows... entire universe of multiple solar systems and planets... 500 years of history and technology... targeting audiences that don't necessarily have the 20years of background canon... might take a few episodes to bring the new audience up to speed. And maybe you want to do that over more than one episode so its not a rushed thing.

The show runners said they wanted to make a show that wasn't just like watching a game feed... that they needed to bring people into the franchise... that they didn't want the show to limit the game and vice versa... Pretty big & tricky task all things considered. Everything is a knife edge grey line between too little, too much... too game... too book... too new... not new enough...

I've seen more than one person say that the show is growing on them after s01e04 where they have started to dive into character backstory. Maybe give it a couple more episodes than just the pilot.
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I know a lot of people that didn't get in to The Expanse on the first few episode either. Then buy s01e06 they were hooked.

Big shows... entire universe of multiple solar systems and planets... 500 years of history and technology... targeting audiences that don't necessarily have the 20years of background canon... might take a few episodes to bring the new audience up to speed. And maybe you want to do that over more than one episode so its not a rushed thing.

The show runners said they wanted to make a show that wasn't just like watching a game feed... that they needed to bring people into the franchise... that they didn't want the show to limit the game and vice versa... Bring big task all things considered.

I've seen more than one person say that the show is growing on them after s01e04 where they have started to dive into character backstory. Maybe give it a couple more episodes than just the pilot.

I'll give it chance. I did like Expanse that was a good show. Maybe things will turn around for it, we'll see. I'll keep coming back to the thread for updates.
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