Halo tv show inspired off duty vest


New Member
I was inspired by seeing to post of Zylenko to try to have my own spartan off duty vest like what is seen worn in the silver timeline, at the start of season 2.

I do not have the skillset to sew a vest, so I used a generic od green vest, sourced from one of those offlabel Chinese suppliers that are also listed on Walmart online.

I didn't mind not finding an exact match, as long it fit the theme and style.

My sister who has a cricut helped me cut out the decals on iron on vynil.

We based our reference on Zylenko s measurement of
"UNSC" should be about 82mm long and 16mm tall with the DIN being 64mm long and 40mm tall.


I debuted my cosplay at Galaxycon Raleigh to meet Cristina Rodlo who had cosplayed corporal Perez.



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This is great! Thankfully, you don't have to be able to sew to cosplay. This is super simple, very clean, and looks really good! I also really like how you decided to do something that we don't see on screen, yet would very feasibly exist in the Haloverse. Well done.
This is great! Thankfully, you don't have to be able to sew to cosplay. This is super simple, very clean, and looks really good! I also really like how you decided to do something that we don't see on screen, yet would very feasibly exist in the Haloverse. Well done.
Well actually, it was on screen it was thruout season 2. When the fans of the games complained he wouldnt put on the suit, it is what he would wear.


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