Halo Weapons build from scratch *PIC HEAVY*

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Adding some metallic colors onto the black on the gun:

Then I looked at the reference pics and realized this gun has more gray than black, so I sprayed some gray over it to dilute the black:

Waited a good hour before I started painting in the details:

It's getting there! I only have one side done, and I still need to touch it up...but I'm so excited over the results!
Wow That looks AMAZING!
I hope mine turns out as nice as yours
really good job on the painting the battle damage and all looks very good!

keep up the good work, hope your DMR will end up as good as your M6G
Wow Testdrive your Reach Pistol is looking amazing. Your did a great job on your first scratch build. The paint job is looking great as well. Keep it up. I might have to go this route for my weapons.
I wish my camera didn't suck so much.

But here it is! All I have left is the text...I don't know if you can tell I tried to start it...but I knew it was going to be a disaster, so I'm going to wait until I get to my apt, where I have my super thin brushes.




my god. thats all i can really say. you are truly a master. or something like that. i only wish you could make more, so i could buy one. thats how good it is. i would buy it from you! im serious, i would buy it.
Hey, been watching this thread for a few days and just a question.

Did you harden your pistol in any way? If so how did you do it? Probably didn't but, it just looks like more than foam y'know?

Thanks, you've really inspired me as I am working on my own pistol.

Hey, been watching this thread for a few days and just a question.

Did you harden your pistol in any way? If so how did you do it? Probably didn't but, it just looks like more than foam y'know?

Thanks, you've really inspired me as I am working on my own pistol.


The thought has crossed my mind.
I didn't harden the pistol. I did do some final touches with bondo, but I didn't harden the entire thing with anything.

What I found out was that foamboard foams don't do too well with the spray paint chemicals. However, the craft foam, if you saturate it enough with the spray paint, it becomes hard, solid and smooth. BUT. If you carved in any details into your foam, you might lose a bit of it due to the paint.
Cardstock turned out very nicely with the paint, and so did the cardboard. It's just the foamboard that kind of turned into a disaster.

Best of luck with your pistol!!!
wow. this is an amazingly simple concept. just started building my brother a assault rifle using it. just about got the body done. hey testdrive, did you make the mag removable on your weapons? coz i have.
Beautiful weapons with only cardboard and foam. Simplicity at its finest, and great results to boot.
If I can offer one bit of advice in the painting process. I've done alot of tabletop gaming terrain, using cardboard, foam and plastic.
The final step before appying the paint was to brush a light coat or 2 of diluted white glue over everything. It seals the cardboard and foam, so the spray won't eat the foam, and it evens out all the different materials so the paint looks the same sheen all over.
Just my .02 on the subject, but not to take away from your results on the pistol, it truly looks great!
What I found out was that foamboard foams don't do too well with the spray paint chemicals.
PVC foamboard (aka sintra) hold paint very nicely. Though, I also lay down a couple of sanded coats of automotive self-etching primer.
Thanks for all the comments, guys!

Mag is not removable. The only functioning aspect of the gun is the safety that moves up and down. It was my first time building a weapon, so I wasn't sure it was even going to turn out okay.

Thanks for the tips on the pre-spray painting, guys! That helps loads!
I might try the diluted white glue on my DMR once it's ready to paint.
Oh, almost forgot... If it is foam, plastidip can be sprayed on to seal it and give you a solid base for painting.
saftey switch? i did not now that the magnum had a saftey switch. oh well, maybe ill start looking at the magnum instaed of pumping its rounds into some poor covie's head...
but this is really a great new way to build the weapons. infact i just about finnished the assualt rifle for my bro in 3 hours!(just the top piece and the bottom barrel thing and then im done!) did you get this idea from someone else or did you make it yourself?
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