Hammer Feedback! What's missing?

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
He all, I've been painting Schankerz hammer that he made for me. I painted it black and then did rub n buff. I also put leather around the handle. Is it just me? Or is it missing something? I'm not sure, maybe the leather needs to be darker, or maybe i should do shadows over everything with the airbrush. It just doesn't look quite right and I'm wondering what you guys think I should do to fix it. I'm open to all suggestions, even repainting the whole hammer and redoing all the leather. Here's a picture of the hammer in it's current state and some reference pictures too.
I'm thinking it might be too bright... I wonder what the best way to fix it is


Going to try this tomorrow hopefully. Thanks guys! If anyone else on the forums has ideas please add them too!
Perhaps a mix of scuff with sandpaper to rough up the edges and add some natural wear as well as a wash/powder solution for darkening recesses?
It's looking good so far! I think what you need is more contrast - so a dark wash, even an airbrush if you have one (to add some shading), then go back over the highlights with a drybrush to make them pop out again.
For example: You can see a lot of contrast in the game-model here:

Whereas I think yours here has less contrast, at the very least in the current lighting:
Looks great mate, I noticed though that the handle might need to be thicker at the top and maybe attach this hand guard piece to the bottom like this H3 pic. But honestly, it looks awesome already and you should totally be proud of what you've made.



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Perhaps a mix of scuff with sandpaper to rough up the edges and add some natural wear as well as a wash/powder solution for darkening recesses?
Dang beat me to the punch. I second the sand paper on the edges, would do wonders to make it look more like the game. Really would help make the handle look well used.
Then some black washes and highlighting and you're good as gold.
Seriously excited to see how you end up finishing it. And then maybe get to hold your gravity hammer that is somehow lighter than your plasma pistol :p

Ok progress has been made! I have only done the airbrush so far, but I think it makes a big difference! I also airbrushed around the leather at the bottom which gives it that texture it was missing.

I think I will roughen up the blade on the back and then do a wash. It will add a bit more texture to the blade where I think it is missing it and also will take some of the really bright areas down a notch.

Keep the feedback coming!
Ok I did those little scratches and added wash to the blade. Thoughts?? I’m really happy with how it looks at this point, but I’ve been looking at it for so long sometimes I can go blind to it. From a set of fresh eyes, is there something that can be done to improve it? Heavier weathering? Let me know!
That already looks so much better! If you're wanting more feedback, I suggest adding highlights to the edges with a drybrush. You can see, particularly here, how there's a lot of shine on the edges:
That already looks so much better! If you're wanting more feedback, I suggest adding highlights to the edges with a drybrush. You can see, particularly here, how there's a lot of shine on the edges:
View attachment 330582
Right! Originally I was not sure if I would get my highlights any brighter than the silver colour is, but now that the weathering is done I think I'll try using some silver paint, not rub n buff, to do some highlights.
Finished the hammer! I did a few highlights like you said PlanetAlexander They're not too bright but when you see the hammer close up they're visible. I did a matte clear finish to seal everything in, and even got suited up to take a few quick pictures. The magnolia tree was so pretty in the backyard I had to use it as a backdrop.

Had my little brother hold the camera for me lol
I'm going to post these pictures on insta later, but I figured I'd put em here first since you guys were so helpful. :)
Man I can't tell what is heavier, that gravity hammer or your plasma pistol that I am convinced you filled with lead.
Seriously looks great, looking forward to seeing it in person!
Man I can't tell what is heavier, that gravity hammer or your plasma pistol that I am convinced you filled with lead.
Seriously looks great, looking forward to seeing it in person
It’s not that heavyyyyyy DX
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