HAZOP helmet

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I started this helmet about two weeks ago. working on and off. this one is too small so i'm going to sell it. but thats not what this thread is about. i'm going to keep you guys up to date on my build.

eventually i am going to make a full suit that will include
Shoulders- Ua/ MultiThreat
Chest- Default
Wrist(L)- Tactical/ Tacpad
Wrist(R)- Assault/ Breacher
Utilities- Tactical/ Hard Case
Knee Guards- FJ/ Para
armor ability- jet pack
weapon- shotgun
i'm also going to try and make a undersuit to go with it.
i'm going to try to make a modified one like tsau-mia's. you can see her progress here http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/29420-Mission-Make-as-accurate-a-Suit-as-possible.
this is a general idea of how i want my armor to look

to make one of these for yourself check out this thread


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Awesomeness ,Very cute. By the way, Im building an ODST rookie helm for my daughter. It will be pink with princess on the back. Lol!
sorry that i haven't updated for a couple days my phone has been acting up and its my camera but i finally got a pic up.

the first one is a bit warped. i'm going to try and glue some supports in to straighten it out while i resin. but that won't be until payday at least.the first is also too small so i had to up the scale by 20% just like my busa helm. it fits my head but just barely.


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Looking good! What scale are you using for the Helmet? Also, how narrow (width) is it? I read somewhere that the HAZOP helmet is somewhat narrow. Anyways, great job so far. Can’t wait to see where it ends up. Good luck.
the scale that i have it set to is 2.510464. thats the 20% larger scale. it is a rather narrow helmet. my advice would to be to measure both the height and width of your head. do this by measuring from your chin to the top of your head (without bending the measureing device) then add a couple inches for padding. then measure from ear to ear (again don't bend it) add an inch or two. then change those measurments to mm. 1 inch is equal to 25.4 mm. i say measure width just to make sure you can wear it.
I didn't find a link on his thread. and i wantz this helmet. I have to make my own if i want to make the deadline NEXT YEAR.
here is todays work. it going slow because i have to clean and take care of my daughter. (my adhd isn't helping either.)

here's my update


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this sucks. a coulple days with no responses. oh well. i don't like to double post but i guess i'll have to to keep this rthread alive.
so here's the current pic.

hope you like it. and i could really use the encouragement. i'm one of those people who have a tendancy to start a project and then stop about halfway through. i blame the ADHD. oh well. but seriously some cyber love would be helpful.


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I completely understand the cyber love thing and the tendency to just abandon a project. I've already told myself I will not stop until I finish my project and right now Im sitting on 8 of 19 pieces complete and have even begun making other things along with my halo Armor. Progress is slow for most people even myself but your pepping is good and I bet you're going to make a great helmet, just dont rush it and if you have any questions just ask on here or you can personally pm me. Goodluck.
sorry that its been a couple days. its been busier than usual around here. i usually stay up til midnight and don't wake up til ten but the last couple of days i couldn't get to sleep til 1 or 2 in the morning and had to get up at 6 or 7. reminds me of basic training. any way heres the update. its really annoying me how long its taking. i finished pepping one in 2 weeks and now i can only get like 6 pieces done in a week.


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