its really not that complicated. i found it easier to make it without edge id though. this way you know that your getting all the folds right. just make sure your head can fit through the bottom.
wow! nice work man it looks awesome and wow the other helmet is small! and the new one is looking really good so far, can't wait to see more and keep up the good work
That is some clean work on the fiberglass, how long dod it take you, it took me 3 days to fiberglass my EVA/C helmet, i basically got the woven stuff and cut out all of the specific patterns, then covered it in this really soft bouyant foam.
it didn't really take that long. a couple days work so far. still have to finish with the cloth on the inside. but i can't do anything more yet. i promised my wife that i wouldn't until i got our house ready for inspection. we're working on getting a bigger apartment.and are still in the teardown phase of rearranging.