HCS Arlington March 15 - 17

Hey folks! We just had a very fantastic meeting with the folks over at Optic Gaming! Here is a rundown of expectations and asks:
- We will have access to power for our space, and a custom backdrop and shelving provided for a 35" x 10" space. We will be the first thing attendees see when they come into the event and have dedicated photoshoots for event goers.

- Outside food and water while not permitted to be brought in, water will be supplied in refillable water bottles by the venue. Due to budget constraints, food may not be provided.

- Optic will be supplying us all booth materials and asks, but are asking we provided ourselves, and props for display. Ideally, they ARE looking to have someone close to their color schemes to do special asks, WandererTJ I did throw your name in the ring being our resident green and white Spartan.

- Tuesday through Thursday, we are able to go to the venue at anytime to get a lay of the land. But for set up, we are exploring a 9:30 Am/9:45 Am arrival time. We have also asked for a separate access point to avoid a mob in the morning but it has not been approved as of yet.

- FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PURCHASED PASSES: I need your full receipts! Optic is covering our attendance for this event. I will need your emails, first and last legal names, and a photo of the armor you will be attending in to provide to them.

- Optic wants to run 4v4's with Spartans, I encourage brushing up on the game, (Specifically RANKED) to make yourself as formidable as possible come weekend of the event! Not required, but encouraged.
Cool I’m excited! I’ll try to have my Spartan done by then!
Here is who I have right now interested in the event.



For those who are confirmed, I will need a full body shot of your armor, your legal first and last name, and if purchased, the receipt for your ticket. Please DM me this ASAP so I can send this info back to Optic. I have also inquired about handlers and as I have an update I will let you know. Provide me your handlers legal first and last name just in case.
I'm not sure what I'm signed up for or what Optic is, but I'm in hahahaha

I do suck at Halo Infinite tho
I recommend familiarizing yourself with the Halo Championship Series a little bit before the event. While it's not necessarily required, we will be working with Optic, one of the partnered HCS teams, and it wouldn't hurt to know a bit about them and the other teams.
I recommend familiarizing yourself with the Halo Championship Series a little bit before the event. While it's not necessarily required, we will be working with Optic, one of the partnered HCS teams, and it wouldn't hurt to know a bit about them and the other teams.
It’s gonna be so awkward for me because I’m friends with so many complexity people
Here is who I have right now interested in the event.



For those who are confirmed, I will need a full body shot of your armor, your legal first and last name, and if purchased, the receipt for your ticket. Please DM me this ASAP so I can send this info back to Optic. I have also inquired about handlers and as I have an update I will let you know. Provide me your handlers legal first and last name just in case.
Okay I am definitely going Saturday and Sunday maybe Friday if I can skip school since it’s the last day before spring break. I still need to finish my Mk VII before the event. I’ll send you a DM of my ODST which will be my backup in the morning and I’ll keep you updated with where my Mk VII is as I’m working on it if I can get it done in time. I’d also like to bring my camera and gimbal to get some nice photos and footage of everyone :D
Here is who I have right now interested in the event.



For those who are confirmed, I will need a full body shot of your armor, your legal first and last name, and if purchased, the receipt for your ticket. Please DM me this ASAP so I can send this info back to Optic. I have also inquired about handlers and as I have an update I will let you know. Provide me your handlers legal first and last name just in case.
My name is Ruben, I am also interested in cosplaying for this event.
My name is Ruben, I am also interested in cosplaying for this event.
Here is who I have right now interested in the event.



For those who are confirmed, I will need a full body shot of your armor, your legal first and last name, and if purchased, the receipt for your ticket. Please DM me this ASAP so I can send this info back to Optic. I have also inquired about handlers and as I have an update I will let you know. Provide me your handlers legal first and last name just in case.
Hello my name is Annisa Islas and I have not purchased a ticket. I’m interested in going in costume as well.
Hello, I am sending over attendance tomorrow. I have attempted to reach scifikai with no luck. Otherwise, the rest of you lot will be locked in for covered pass as well as your handlers for the info you provided to me. I am very excited to see what we achieve with this event!
Got the green light for everything from Optic. if you ordered a ticket, you should see your refund notification today. Member attendance is locked in, do keep in mind anyone outside of who was already approved beforehand at this time will not be covered for attendance. We can always see after the event if it can be but it is highly unlikely with how logistics will shake it once the event is imminent
Is there things we need to bring for the booth? like props display armor exc. cause I'm trying to get a marine helmet printed out to display just as a raw print and was wondering if we need to gather up a list of things we are bringing or not.
Yes! An ask was props and helmets and such to display. I am waiting on dimensions for the shelves we will have there. Will follow up on this hopefully by end of the week
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