Hello, its me with my Halo Wars 2 Jerome MK IV Build

I'll get my actual measurements to you later today, but I believe I kept the scaling at 100% for this! I'll verify that.

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As far as I can see, the chest piece looks to be a good size! MK IV is built like a truck, so don't be worried about it being too big, most of my across chest movement is elbows on.
I actually cheat a little bit with my straps, as you can see they angle in a little in the front! I've found that it helps with closing up the space, but still makes it easy to put your head through
Thanks for the hint 052. Im sticking to this chestplate first and try out the whole build when im done with the arms..
Hello Everybode,

my Name is Nino and im from germany. My goal is it to have a perfect, 3D printed cosplay. I am currently working for about 1 year on my MK IV armor and slowly there are first showable probs. Ofc, im aware that perfection comes over time. So this surly wont be my last reprint of the shown.

Things that are missing:

-Left arm
-Vakuum forming the Visir
-Doing the undersuit (EAV or rubber molding)

The cokmmunity here allready helped me out with some ideas for the undersuit, which is for me the most complex thing. Ill post my updates here over the next months. My goal is to to be finished for the Gamescom 2024 in Kologne.

CheersView attachment 333846
That looks amazing! I'm also starting a Mark IV project!
Hello People. Its Update Time. I just realized, that it’s almost a year ago since I opened the thread

I fought the procrastination and now I’m back. Current goal: Finish the armour. After that I’ll do the undersuit. detail painting, the electronics etc.

I found a nice solution for the legs, which seems to be okay for now. What im struggling with a lot is the biceps part. I have that huge gap which I need to fill. The concept art is really not that helpful in this region. How do you guys fix your arm armour to your body? The shoulder will be connected to the chest piece and with flex tape to my arm. But the rest???

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Update time.

I finished weathering on most parts.

To do:
  • Undersuit (still ..)
  • Fixate the biceps
  • Optimize my boot situation
  • Optimize the shin (they keep falling apart)
I will mold the undersuit and prepared a mold for it. I will use Dragon Skin10 for it. If you guys have any tips for that, I would relaly appreciate that.
Im getting closer to my final build.<3

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Update Time. After a long time of procastination I finally made the torso mold. And I failed ... At a single point the silicon didnt cured properly. Ofc it have to be the most visible part right in the front. Also I made the whole shell to short and at some parts not thick enough.

Also im unsatisfied with the gloss of the dragonskin. Has somebody a hint how to get rid of this?

Also I finished the shins. For that I bought the model of the Galaxy Amory, which is a better STL (in my opinion).
Still open to do
  • Rethink the molding process and mold some parts of the undersuit.
  • Attachment of the biceps part.
  • Maybe repainting the whole armor. im not satisfied anymore with the green.
  • Maybe redo the shoes again with some hight-boosting platform shoes to make me around ~2m hight.

I would be thankfull of hones critic and tips.

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I just came across this build thread. Fantastic work! I always love seeing people getting into casting their undersuits.

Are you using dragonskin for your undersuit?
Yes sir. Dragonskin 10 from smooth on. I just resieved a tip from the pros to use a different pigment to dye the undersuit. This will hopefully help with getting rid of the gloss.
I just came across this build thread. Fantastic work! I always love seeing people getting into casting their undersuits.

Are you using dragonskin for your undersuit?
Yes sir. Dragonskin 10 from smooth on. I just resieved a tip from the pros to use a different pigment to dye the undersuit. This will hopefully help with getting rid of the gloss.
Hello Everybode,

my Name is Nino and im from germany. My goal is it to have a perfect, 3D printed cosplay. I am currently working for about 1 year on my MK IV armor and slowly there are first showable probs. Ofc, im aware that perfection comes over time. So this surly wont be my last reprint of the shown.

Things that are missing:

-Left arm
-Vakuum forming the Visir
-Doing the undersuit (EAV or rubber molding)

The cokmmunity here allready helped me out with some ideas for the undersuit, which is for me the most complex thing. Ill post my updates here over the next months. My goal is to to be finished for the Gamescom 2024 in Kologne.

CheersView attachment 333846
So far so good! Might I ask why you keep reprinting and not just sanding down issues?
So far so good! Might I ask why you keep reprinting and not just sanding down issues?
Thank you! What issue are you talking about? Most Issues I had so far were wrong sizing or I found a better STL to replace a part. Sanding wont help me with that.

And I have/had some procastination issues. Whenever i have a task which I never did before (like casting a undersuit with silicone) I tend to do all the other things first. And when Im finally doing it, im unsatisfied with the things I did before :D
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Yes sir. Dragonskin 10 from smooth on. I just resieved a tip from the pros to use a different pigment to dye the undersuit. This will hopefully help with getting rid of the gloss.
Did you use a gloss finish on your mold? When you use dragon skin it will take on the finish of wherever you’ve finished your mold with.

If you finish your mold with gloss, it’ll be more glossy, if you finish your mold with a matte it’ll be more matte.
Did you use a gloss finish on your mold? When you use dragon skin it will take on the finish of wherever you’ve finished your mold with.

If you finish your mold with gloss, it’ll be more glossy, if you finish your mold with a matte it’ll be more matte.
Good point. Actually I didn’t used any finish. I did a layer of raptor truck bed liner to get the structure and then used yellow-army painter colour to make the process of applying silicone more easy (you can better see where thin layers are).

And the finished product doesn’t have any yellow stains on it.
Thank you! What issue are you talking about? Most Issues I had so far were wrong sizing or I found a better STL to replace a part. Sanding wont help me with that.

And I have/had some procastination issues. Whenever i have a task which I never did before (like casting a undersuit with silicone) I tend to do all the other things first. And when Im finally doing it, im unsatisfied with the things I did before :D
Goootcha, sorry I must've misunderstood! Great work so far! Hope the rest of the build goes smoothly for ya!!

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