Hello! My first build thread - ODST

This build is coming together so well!! I can’t wait to see it done.
Appreciate you adding what you used for the tac vest and the undersuit, super helpful!
This build is coming together so well!! I can’t wait to see it done.
Appreciate you adding what you used for the tac vest and the undersuit, super helpful!

Thanks very much!! Still a long way to go, now starting to prep things for paint while I print off the final few pieces! Going to start looking into making the shoulder pads/straps next! Also, I might buy the backpack files too while I’m at it and get that made to go with this build!
The second tactical vest with shoulder pads definitely works nicer than the initial one I was using!

The undersuit is really nice though. Also, got a tactical belt with some holsters that will be used to hold things like hip plates, thighs etc up! So far works really well! Appreciate the love though! For my first ever cosplay I’m chuffed with how it’s coming along!!

- Tactical Pouch
- Tactical Belt

Looking good Helljumper! I eagerly wait to meet you on the front lines!

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Thanks mate :D i'm impatient, put everything together to try it all on, and now shooting myself as i've got to dismantle it to start paint prep!!
It will come together soon!!. I purchased the Brink Studio backpack files too this morning so that's another thing to add to my print list!!!
Shame as i really like this raw sanded down print look! But going to order myself an airbrush and try my hand at that! Looking forward to start getting some layers of paint laid down!

See you on the ground Helljumper!

Looking great! I am also going doing the plate carrier route. How exactly do you have it attached to the? I am using a combo of molly and Velcro.
I might buy the backpack files too while I’m at it and get that made to go with this build!
I am currently working through FromTheBrinkStudios ODST backpack, my girlfriend also has their backpack made and I love all of the compartments made available vs some that are only the top/main portion.

Link to backpack files: Halo 3 ODST Backpack STL - Etsy

Lots of pieces but it looks sweet when finished.

Also you're killing it! Great job and keep up the awesome work! Excited to see this through.
Looking great! I am also going doing the plate carrier route. How exactly do you have it attached to the? I am using a combo of molly and Velcro.

Thanks very much! Ahh nice! And I’ve done mine the exact same way, Velcro onto the tactical vest and then clips also securing it in place! Holds up well though!

I am currently working through FromTheBrinkStudios ODST backpack, my girlfriend also has their backpack made and I love all of the compartments made available vs some that are only the top/main portion.

Link to backpack files: Halo 3 ODST Backpack STL - Etsy

Lots of pieces but it looks sweet when finished.

Also you're killing it! Great job and keep up the awesome work! Excited to see this through.
Half way through printing the backpack now! Love Brinks files though, they’re so well put together! Had to slice the middle compartment in half and each side horizontally to fit on my print bed but getting through the printing of it!

And really appreciate it! For my first ever cosplay/build I’m chuffed with how it’s coming along! I really want to try and make it accurate to the rookie cosplay guide!

I’ve just started a bit more work on the undersuit though! So far I’ve got the torso template and the bicep all traced and I’ve done my first initial test cut! So that’s coming along all nicely, so will need to order up some grey neoprene for the shoulders and probably faux leather for the chest part. But it’s coming along nicely



Only cutting this out of a templating vinyl currently, but also added the neck padding into this.
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Hey all!
Not got muuuuuch of an update, just on a few little bits and bobs! Ordered a load of PLA+ to continue printing but Elegoo sent me all the wrong colour so had to wait for the right one to be reshipped and arrive!
Been working on the rubber thigh inserts, cut them on the flatbed cutter I have at work! Tested them and they all fit great so going to use them in my final build!



Next up, I went and purchased the BrinkStudios backpack kit! So been hammering through all the printing to get that together which I’m nearly finished with doing, just finishing up with a few small details on it.


Only really got the mid torso left to print on the armour and then all good to really start hammering out the prep work ready for paint!! Went through the Rookie cosplay guide and going to try and stay accurate to the build and go with Pantone 418!


Also, had the tactical boots arrive too, so can begin sizing up the boot details on that and get them printing too!!


One step at a time!! Feet first!!!
Whoa! That is some amazing looking thigh inserts. Clean too! I'm jealous, good idea to cut them out that way. Love the backpack too! I attempted to print my main top compartment as one piece and failed 67% of the way through on my CR10s Pro V2 so that'll be getting split up and sent on the Bambu X1C. Nice update!
Hey all!
Not got muuuuuch of an update, just on a few little bits and bobs! Ordered a load of PLA+ to continue printing but Elegoo sent me all the wrong colour so had to wait for the right one to be reshipped and arrive!
Been working on the rubber thigh inserts, cut them on the flatbed cutter I have at work! Tested them and they all fit great so going to use them in my final build!

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Next up, I went and purchased the BrinkStudios backpack kit! So been hammering through all the printing to get that together which I’m nearly finished with doing, just finishing up with a few small details on it.

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Only really got the mid torso left to print on the armour and then all good to really start hammering out the prep work ready for paint!! Went through the Rookie cosplay guide and going to try and stay accurate to the build and go with Pantone 418!

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Also, had the tactical boots arrive too, so can begin sizing up the boot details on that and get them printing too!!

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One step at a time!! Feet first!!!
i love the fact the the back pack can acttuly be used as a back pack
That feeling when you suit up everything you’ve printed and mounted so far! :D
Real happy with how it’s all coming together though. Pretty happy with the sizing of everything so far!! The under suit is really nice (black tactical pants and compression top).

Got a tactical belt and added two thigh holsters that will be used to hold the thigh plates up.
Will need to add some padding to the inner of the thighs so they sit off the body a little more. Added padding to the forearms so they now hold up on my arm. Coming to the end of printing now, just got all the smaller details like belt, hip plates, kidney plates, forearm details and bits to now finish printing. Sucks when you only have 1 small printer
But for a first suit up, I am happy! :lol:

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Welcome to the group. Great job on your first build, it's rewarding after all the time and effort put into our builds to see the final outcome.
Hey all!
Not really got much of an update on this one, you know when life gets busy and things have to go on hold for a little while, so been going what i can in the meantime to finish off all the printing and get the little bits done before i can really spend some time beginning the finishing process.

Managed to get the SMG printed though! Which is nice (Galactic Armory Files) and just need to finish off printing smaller details and boot covers and we're there!

Will hopefully find some time soon though to really hammer out the sanding and primer process!

Thanks again for taking a look :)

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