Helmet Concepts: GUNGNIR and Pilot

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Well my "Range" is technically my Backyard. It's about 100yards across and 1500yds long. Most of it's my nieghbors. But I let him know when I'm out shooting. And his Son in law ignored him and went out any way. Lets just say he got one hell of an awakening about 25 feet away from where he was standing. with my scope and where i was shooting, I didn't have the peripherals to see him coming out of the path. Being at 550 yards down range in woodland camo's, is where he was and what he was wearing, I was shooting my Dragnov 7.62x 56mm or 54mm been a while since I shot it. You can just imagine the damage from that round if the wind had taken it. It popped a coffee cani had set up. He could've done a backflip if he'd have arched his back... LOL ok enough if that.
I have found that a tinted visor becomes quite clear when light passes from the other side (obviously, or you couldn't see anything!) and I tried to make some simple LED fading circuits (schematics a Google search away and easy) for uses like ODST night vision and whatnot

You have probably seen this already. Just wanted to show you someone else that added a light behind a tinted visor.
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Exactly my point! :) Only instead of a odst it would be the pilot helmet and you would wear a skull mask, that is if you wanted a haunted visor, or you could just put in the LEDS just because its BA ;)

Also to every one else out there, if this thread starts to die or does die, I don't care about necroposting, as long as it is something to contribute. If you have a idea or thought post it up, but if a 2 or 3 word comment that doesn't help is posted when this thing does die then i have a problem with it.
I DEMAND THAT YOU ALL HALT! lol, jk. Hmm... before i begin what I have to say, let me note that even when you've been around for a while, check the stickies constantly!!!! Ok, now, I begin. The GUNGNIR helmet.... Lots of ideas have been tossed around.... Koliedoscopes, cameras, magnifying glasses in a stacked apparatus. Whatever happened to simplicity? The answer, is in the stickies :) My idea: Make the GUNGNIR the same as you would normally, hardening, etc, however, cut out this part of the helmet circled in red.

Basically trooper114's original idea. Vacuform it, or only cut out the front panel.
Then, follow this tutorial. http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/16910-Tutorial-Make-amp-Paint-Your-Own-See-through-Visor

However, instead of following the tutorial completely, don't use reflective colors like the tutor does. (you might need to experiment) In theory, this would give an onlooker the idea of a completely solid face, although it is actually see through. Also,people will probably start coming up with very complicated ways of how you might be seeing through the helmet to try and figure it out, not to mention that you won't have to worry about heat, battery life, eyestrain, wiring, power source storage, and budget. The only factor in this solution is that you need to get an airbrush, but lets face it, it'll be a lot easier (and cheaper) to get one of those than to get a camera, rip said camera apart, cut and solder wires, hide them in the suit, create a regulated power source that will power the screen for a long time, figure out how to store said power supply, etc, etc. IDK, sounds like the best plan of attack to me :)

ON TO THE HAUNTED HELM! Ok, personally, i think you guys are on the right track to the haunted helm, but i was thinking... what if you took out the visor, and instead pepped a skull faceplate that you pep, bondo, and paint, place inside of helmet, and then place mesh in the eyesockets. Then, you could use the jetpack or Jorge's backpack as a water resevior to disguise the camelback, or w/e it is you might use. Then, finally, you can run tubing through the eye sockets so that the smoke comes out of your eyes, as well as from other parts of the skull if you so wanted. Also, this way, if people asked, they could literally reach into the helmet and feel the skull, which would be hard from bondo, fiberglass, etc., mimicking a real skull (which i think would be BAMF beyond awesomesauce) This won't be completely accurate to the actual helmet, but would look amazingly awesome nonetheless. Just my two cents :)


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In those 2 paragraphs, you basically just summarized what we have been talking about. I am glad you are inteseted and acctually read. :) As for my original cheap GUNGNIR visor, that is what i will more than likely use, using tint or paint was also in my original plan, in post 1 and i also was not to crazy about cameras because i don't want to screw up my eye sight as is and i don't have alot of cash, the whole reason why i created this thread in the first palce and also so other people can try them out. As for the resevior, useing a pack would be a be cool, but you would not be able to take off the pack for setting down, driving, etc. The idea of puting the camel pack in the chest piece was to not also just be for the fog, but also to keep you cool in the suit, plus you can sit :). The Skull visor was already mentioned earlier, but in my opinion, i am abit *meh* about using it, plus none have been pepped, and my guess is that most modlers would not see the point of modeling it. Which is why i propsed a wearing a skull mask while wearing the helmet. Plus thats abit more material you could use some where else
totally understand. however, my idea wasn't tinting, but using the idea of one-way paint, which would give the full illiusion of the real gungnir. I've personally always been fascinated with the idea of a helmet that was just a solid piece of metal with no visor. And true, the water would be used to keep you cool, but from my understanding, dry ice and water gets so cold that you can get frost bite from a few seconds of direct exposure (or ice-burns rather than frostbite, i guess). Since it goes about 100 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, even with the camelback and the layers in the undersuit, i don't think i exactly want that pressed against my chest. just my opinion on that little tidbit. As for Jorges backpack or a jetpack, for the longest time, i've been playing with the idea of magnetized armor. Armor that has magnets built into it to mimic the effects in the game (MC's pistol floating on his side, sniper riffle on the back with seemingly nothing holding it in it's place.) If you could put magnets powerful enough to hold up enough weight (which would be easy, the question would simply be to have a large amount of strong magnets, and some trial and error) you would be able to take off the backpack. Then, have hoses attached to the backpack, and then have another set of hoses coming from the armor. The tubes would attach together, like connecting PCV pipes, and then you would have your "armor effect" ready. Of course, if you didn't want to create that level of complication, you could always, you know, take off the chest armor and stick it in the back of the car while you drive, then put it on when you get where you need to go. As for sitting down, you just don't sit on the seat with your back to the seat. You can sit so that your shoulder faces the chair's back. And if you really needed to sit, and didn't have a chair or seat of any kind, a wall would make a fine place to rest (so long as you had a buddy to help get you back up again) Personally, the idea of the dry ice doesn't fancy my taste, but i was thinking about the resevior idea, because hey, lets face it, it'll be a lot easer to drink with a water-system built right into the helmet xD (same idea with the hose feeding the water, but the helmet will have a connector tube to the camelback with a set straw for the water to go without having to take off the helmet... but now that i'm writing that down, im seeing some problemos with that particular idea... (and yes, i purposely spelled problems as problemos)
Hahaha, i understand what problemo is, and i am not as harsh as far as grammer and spelling goes ;). Anyway i see the problem about the dry ice, and maybe having it in a pack would be for the best, your pvc idea is good, just need to figure out how attach and dettach easily, or like you said, keep it one piece. And i get the painting, as i said in my previous post "or paint", and i was thinking more of Ithica's Dirty Visor tut for his EVA, only for the Gungnir, but i see painting the visor the same as tinting it, just to clear up some confusion. As for the magnets, i had the same idea. Maybe making a slot for the magnet in the thigh piece or put the magnet in the back of the thigh piece, in other words, the side that faces you leg, and then make a slot for the magnet in the pistol for another magnet. I also have a idea for the knife, one magnet in the sheath and another on the blade.
Well, great minds think alike :) I was thinking more along the lines of actually having the magnet inside of the build, which would mean you would need to place it inside during the pepping process, and the bondo, or rondo, fiberglass, mudglass, or whichever method it is you use over the magnet, making it harder for anyone to see the magnet. Of course, I would have to try that at some point, as I don't know for sure. and now i c, what you said about the tinting and painting, teaches me to not read so fast, lol. And the dirty visor for EVA? never heard of that tut... now i'm going to need to follow my own advice and look for that xD as for the tubes, i didn't literally mean PVC pipes. I was thinking rubber tubes, like used in fish tanks, and then using those really short rubber tubes used to connect the two ends of lightstick bracelets, you know which ones I mean, right? Hopefully, if I'm right, the CO2 from the dry ice will go through the two tubes that are connected, and it won't seep out. Just some food for thought, i guess... I like the idea of magnifying the knife as well, especially since i was thinking along the same lines :) I was actually hoping to magnetize as much of the armor as i could, because i guess it would really create that halo feel. But you just solved a problem I've been having.... never thought to hold the knife into it's sheath with magnets as well!!! I must say, great idea :)
Thank you *takes a bow*, I know the kind of tubing you mean, and as for the Dirty visor tut, it is by a mod named Ithica, i think it's some where in this section of the forum.
yea, i know ithica, does some great work :) I've been subscribed to his youtube channel ever since I first got here. Actually, this has been the most active I've been in a long time. But yea, I just never heard of that particular tutorial.
I'm seeing some a couple re-hashed ideas here, which happens in a public forum. Hellphoenix, it's fine to start a dialogue with people, though regergitating someone's else's ideas like their your own isn't the nicest thing to do. In the future, make sure to note credit where credit is due, like in this case, how the ideas you've brought up were concieved by Jester and trooper :) No one's in trouble, I just don't want anyone to explode over a minor faux-paux.
Noted, skullcandy girl. I'll make sure to do so in the future. I guess I didn't see it that way because we built up on those ideas, rather than just going in circles. Now, i was thinking, what if we used mirrors? like in a camera. If you allign the mirrors right, you would be able to see through the hole, very much so like a viewfinder. Someone mentioned a viewfinder before,(a literal viewfinder, not a psuedo-viewfinder) but as there were more than one person who said the same thing in different threads, no idea where to give credit to. However, the mirror idea is probably more trouble than it's worth... What if that entire front of the faceplate were mesh???? It's hard to see through mesh, and as long as it is taught, it might give the appearance of a solid helmet, you'll still be able to see out of it, and you can paint the mesh however you want.... However, i think distance would effect it in a negative way... but maybe because the light is entering the helmet from one direction, it'll work.... must experiment!
I'm thinking a wire mesh would work, I'm going to look at a few places that may what We're looking for. The material may be expensive though. Filter mesh is what I'm thinking of.
Yea. I was thinking filter mesh, or I guess mesh made of some kind of cloth, with a wood frame to hold it in place. that would probably work. But also note, if it were wire mesh, it wouldn't need to be taut, and it wouldn't need a frame to keep it taut, as the wire will hold it's shape unlike cloth.
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