HELP - Jasman Halo 3 Plasma Rifle Laser Tag Wiring Repair


New Member
So I recently was able to get my hands on one of my most sought after items for my Halo collection; the Halo 3 Jasman plasma rifle laser tag gun. Got it for a pretty good deal on Ebay. The seller said it worked before he shipped it. Once it arrived I put in a fresh set of batteries andddd nothing. No power. Disassembled it and found a black wire on the back of the ON-OFF-DEMO switch had been broken off the solder. I tried Googling and found one article on here about a different wiring issue but he had pictures of the back of the switch posted but they were old and blurry so I couldn't pinpoint where the black wire goes. I have soldering skills so no worry there. There is also zero corrosion on this plasma rifle so that's not it either. Does anyone have one they could partially disassemble (only 3 Phillips head screws need removed) and post a picture of the wiring on the back of the power switch? My last picture is the 3 screws that need removed in red. I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance! I attached some pics of mine so you can see what I'm talking about.


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Does anyone have one they could partially disassemble (only 3 Phillips head screws need removed) and post a picture of the wiring on the back of the power switch?
Attached are (5) images of my plasma rifle, now this one I bought in rough shape purely for the fins. Which I must thank you! I had no idea the bottom fin plate is only 3 bolts! That helps me a ton! I never did dive in to the disassembly stage but still, thanks for little push I suppose.

Anyway.. I can check my first laser tag plasma rifle that I know functions to check on the black wire.


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Alrighty, looks like we have a winner here! Attached are (6) more images of my first Jasman plasma rifle. This one works but all of the fins were damaged/not present which led me to get a second to cast the fins. (Still have not done that bit). This rifle does work, fires, sounds, vibrations. The only exception is my top fins do not come out when "overheating".

Hope this helps!


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Alrighty, looks like we have a winner here! Attached are (6) more images of my first Jasman plasma rifle. This one works but all of the fins were damaged/not present which led me to get a second to cast the fins. (Still have not done that bit). This rifle does work, fires, sounds, vibrations. The only exception is my top fins do not come out when "overheating".

Hope this helps!
You are AWESOME. Thank you so much! I will work on repairing mine tomorrow and see if that fixes my issues. Again thank you so much!!
You are AWESOME. Thank you so much! I will work on repairing mine tomorrow and see if that fixes my issues. Again thank you so much!!
You got it! Good luck and be sure to post your results, whether it fails or succeeds! I'm curious to know how it goes.
Alrighty, looks like we have a winner here! Attached are (6) more images of my first Jasman plasma rifle. This one works but all of the fins were damaged/not present which led me to get a second to cast the fins. (Still have not done that bit). This rifle does work, fires, sounds, vibrations. The only exception is my top fins do not come out when "overheating".

Hope this helps!
Man, I just want to say thank you so much again! I finally had some free time and was able to get back to repairing it and it worked! Resoldered the wire exactly as yours are and it fixed it! All lights and sounds work now. Even tested it on the target that my plasma pistol came with and it works on there too. Now to try and find out why the fins don't pop out on their own and the reload button sticks a slight bit occasionally. But anyways thank you so much again! Hope you have a great weekend!!!


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Heck yeah, my weekend was good and I'm glad things worked out for ya! If you continue to disassemble more or make adjustments I'd be keen to see more. Well done!
Heck yeah, my weekend was good and I'm glad things worked out for ya! If you continue to disassemble more or make adjustments I'd be keen to see more. Well done!
For sure, will do! I plan on taking the top portion apart at some point and seeing if I can fix the fins not automatically coming out and the reload button sticking. When I do I'll take plenty of pictures and upload them here.
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