I am making a Flood Combat Form costume. It is going to be the human variant. I have a basic plan, but I thought it would be best to come to the 405th for advice; throwing my ideas into the forum will help me get the criticism I need. Please, don't hold back any ideas or problems that you think of.
My costume is going to be for a Halloween party that will take place on Halloween (as opposed to those other ones that take place on Valentines Day). My costume is going slowly.
First, I have decided that I want this to look more flesh-like than a hard costume can be. Therefore, there will be no pepakura, fiberglass or similar techniques. This is going to rely on latex, duct tape, rope, expanding glue, old sneakers, make-up, etc.
Here's how I plan to do this:
Have a friend cover me (while I am wearing clothing) in duct tape.
Have him cut me out.
Stuff the clothing (which is now in my shape) with cotton.
Insert piping so that it holds the shape.
Put a fabric bodysuit (with a back zipper) over the dummy.
Paint the suit with a few layers of tan latex paint.
Use foam and other materials to make the form bumpy and flood-shaped.
Make a fake infection form shape out of foam and rope.
Place that infection form over the general area of my heart.
Continue to paint over everything but the zipper and the rope.
Coat the rope in a clear-drying glue, holding it in place.
Paint the rope.
I will then use a cheap rubber mask to make my Flood head.
The tricky part will be the tentacles on my left arm. I will probably use the rope again, but I cannot quite decide how I will do this part.
I will be using the old sneakers to make the feet.
I have a some problems, though:
1. Should I paint the pants onto the suit, or should I wear pants over it?
2. What specific materials (brands) should I use?
3. Should I add a fan?
4. If I should add a fan, how would I do that?
5. Will I be able to do this in time?
6. How long will the suit last?
I really did search for help with this. I know new threads are annoying, but I decided that I needed the help. You guys are the best of the best. Thanks for your time.
My costume is going to be for a Halloween party that will take place on Halloween (as opposed to those other ones that take place on Valentines Day). My costume is going slowly.
First, I have decided that I want this to look more flesh-like than a hard costume can be. Therefore, there will be no pepakura, fiberglass or similar techniques. This is going to rely on latex, duct tape, rope, expanding glue, old sneakers, make-up, etc.
Here's how I plan to do this:
Have a friend cover me (while I am wearing clothing) in duct tape.
Have him cut me out.
Stuff the clothing (which is now in my shape) with cotton.
Insert piping so that it holds the shape.
Put a fabric bodysuit (with a back zipper) over the dummy.
Paint the suit with a few layers of tan latex paint.
Use foam and other materials to make the form bumpy and flood-shaped.
Make a fake infection form shape out of foam and rope.
Place that infection form over the general area of my heart.
Continue to paint over everything but the zipper and the rope.
Coat the rope in a clear-drying glue, holding it in place.
Paint the rope.
I will then use a cheap rubber mask to make my Flood head.
The tricky part will be the tentacles on my left arm. I will probably use the rope again, but I cannot quite decide how I will do this part.
I will be using the old sneakers to make the feet.
I have a some problems, though:
1. Should I paint the pants onto the suit, or should I wear pants over it?
2. What specific materials (brands) should I use?
3. Should I add a fan?
4. If I should add a fan, how would I do that?
5. Will I be able to do this in time?
6. How long will the suit last?
I really did search for help with this. I know new threads are annoying, but I decided that I needed the help. You guys are the best of the best. Thanks for your time.