Well, I am too!!!! I am currently making YET ANOTHER master because the last one, even though it was SOOOO close to perfect, the edges would not seamlessly align like I need them to. This one, I have focused on that requirement. So, Ver. 3.5 hopefully will be the one!
EDIT: Well, near tragedy avoided! I was focused too much on the alignment of everything, that I totally spaced on the pattern! I accidentally added one too many sides, which meant that there was no possible way for it to seamlessly connect to another one. Luckily, my wife told me to "just cut out one row". This made me stop and think for a second. My first option was to wait until next month when my new scroll saw arrives, but then it dawned on me that I could just use a band saw! Well, it is all corrected meow, and all the criteria has been met. Everything lines up, has the correct padding, and proper shape and depth. This, Version 3.5 is the final product. Now to cast multiple copies of it so I can interconnect them together and make one large master mold.
Also, I wanted to get a better idea of what the finished product would look like, so I cast a piece off of Ver. 3.4. I will tell you now, Smooth-On's mold release is amazing. A good, healthy dose of that on my Rondo mold, then a pour of Rondo into it, wait for it to become rubbery, then de-mold the cast. I works perfectly!
So, in this picture, I have the cast of Ver. 3.4 on the left, the new Ver. 3.5 in the middle (I used a penny for reference), and a bonus shot of the "dials" I have created for the H4 MC armor I am making. These dials will be on the butt plate, the forearms, and the thigh armor. I will need 6 total. The dial on the back of the torso armor is slightly larger, so I will need to recreate that one separately.