Hi, Im Sam and im new


New Member
Well, to say I find myself here completely unexpected is an understatement. I got a 3d printer in September and one of the things I wanted to do is build a Helmet for my best friend since he loves Halo. Needless to say I found the print file on Thingiverse and did some more searching around. I found the galactic armory instagram and the rabbit hole grew to encase an entire day of reading and research. Here I am. I thought the 501st was the only major cosplay group man was I wrong. Here is my first project photos. For the future i’ll have to make an ODST setup for myself. I am still absorbing all this information especially how to size things for my frame as I am a rounder person.


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Well, to say I find myself here completely unexpected is an understatement. I got a 3d printer in September and one of the things I wanted to do is build a Helmet for my best friend since he loves Halo. Needless to say I found the print file on Thingiverse and did some more searching around. I found the galactic armory instagram and the rabbit hole grew to encase an entire day of reading and research. Here I am. I thought the 501st was the only major cosplay group man was I wrong. Here is my first project photos. For the future i’ll have to make an ODST setup for myself. I am still absorbing all this information especially how to size things for my frame as I am a rounder person.
Welcome! we are glad to have you! hope you find all our stuff of use!
Hi Sam! welcome to the 405th. i got the helmet file from galactic armoury as i didnt want to chance getting a file that didnt fit. I used thingiverse files for the armour where i had to scale a few down. I reccomend doing a self-measure and note down the circimference/diameter of your limbs and body parts so that you can best fit the armour to your body.
Oh yes, the tutorial section has been ver informative so far and the measuring only makes sense. I am experienced in making and altering my own clothes. It only makes sense. Learning the slicer and 3d modeling software will be my challenge. For a proper fit.

Thank you all.
Oh yes, the tutorial section has been ver informative so far and the measuring only makes sense. I am experienced in making and altering my own clothes. It only makes sense. Learning the slicer and 3d modeling software will be my challenge. For a proper fit.

Thank you all.
luckily if you want to you don't even have to know how to 3d model. sizing and scaling is more just an altering of the size than 3D modeling! you could make amazing stuff without know how to 3D model! only issue is that if it doesn't exist you either gotta pay someone to model it. or wait until someone does it. Usually it's the former. either way if you have any questions on scaling that can definitely be answered here!
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