Hi. Noob's First ODST

Armor Update 6) Its Done Printing

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well! As the title says I have completed printing out my ODST Armor!

God this was a heck of a project. Unintentionally posting this exactly 1/2 a year after my first post. I have finished printing out the entire suit, and I thought I should show off another update since it's been a bit and I'm trying to hit that 50 message requirement. So let's begin with the weapons!

(Just a quick side note, all of the items are completely unpainted. The only finishing work done was glueing the parts together when they were finished.)

In the last post I showed off that I had bought the files for some fun tools for my ODST. Well, I am glad to start showing the fruits of my labor.


Yep, this is the MA5C From Halo 3 from Galactic Armory. Files turned out amazingly! my only issue was printing the ammo counter, but thankfully one of my good friends is helping me out by resin printing the ammo counter screen in transparent so that I can rig up some glowing LEDs. As you can see it is more manageable than the (H)SMG, being a little smaller than it. This print was a ton of fun to put together, and was sliced very well. From a distance you can barely see the seem lines. As for plans for painting, I plan on doing a game accurate paint job for it, along with all my weapons that will be shown here. Next up is my M-1 Combat Knife.

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Also from Galactic armory, and I am extremely proud with how it turned out. I am still blown away with the pattern on the grip. I know its not game accurate since these were added in Reach, but I thought it would look cool on my shoulder. I will eventually make a post about the modifications / customizations that I have made for my armor but thats for another day.

Moving on from the weapons, I have also finished up printing my ODST Backpack... but have come to a weird crossroad

So when I first got the files for my backpack I thought "Wow. That thing would look great. I should scale it!" which in hindsight... was not a good idea. So this is FromTheBrink Studio's Design (Etsy) and they have a pretty good instructions for the actual build, specifying what standard size hinges, magnets, and other hardware to buy for the sections. So this one is printed in 95% scale, like the rest of my armor was, and now I'm having trouble finding all the hardware for it. I've been thinking and one of the ideas I had was to reprint it at 100% scale to save the headache of hardware searching, and to list the 95% version on the marketplace for anyone who would just like to search for hardware. If anyone has any tips or ideas on what I should do, please feel free to let me know. I haven't made any final decisions yet.

As for the future, I have started work on the finishing process of my armor. Plan is to do it all in sections, like Left Leg / Right Leg, Torso, Shoulders, etc... just so I can get a good match on the paint. For coloration I am planning on doing normal ODST base coloration with some "Rolling Surf" highlights. I've already started with some example painting. I'm currently in the work of finishing my SOCOM. I've already sanded it, I just need to fill some cracks that formed while sanding it. Otherwise, it looks amazing so far.

But yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm going to go back to watching Netflix and finishing this gun. I'll post again in like 3 months with more progress probably. I'm terrible at making promises with this stuff.

See you in the field


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Yep, this is the MA5C From Halo 3 from Galactic Armory. Files turned out amazingly! my only issue was printing the ammo counter, but thankfully one of my good friends is helping me out by resin printing the ammo counter screen in transparent so that I can rig up some glowing LEDs. As you can see it is more manageable than the (H)SMG, being a little smaller than it. This print was a ton of fun to put together, and was sliced very well. From a distance you can barely see the seem lines. As for plans for painting, I plan on doing a game accurate paint job for it, along with all my weapons that will be shown here. Next up is my M-1 Combat Knife.
That MA5C print is *CLEAN*! I'll have to look into Galactic's file, because that rifle looks really nice. Can't wait to see how the ODST suit turns out!
Armor Update 7) Painted the M6C SOCOM

Howdy Everyone, Smaller update on the build. I have finished painted my M6C SOCOM! This is Aguilar's Files painted with Krylon "Metallic Dark Metal" for the main body and "Metallic Oil Rubbed Bronze" on the Grip. I also added a little bit of red for the highlights on the laser pointer module. This was the first item I actually printed and seeing it come


And yes, since these are Aguilar's files, they have the LED Flashlight built into it. I will warn that if you are buying his files based on the light, the flashlight he has linked is currently not available on amazon, but if you look around their seller profile you can find the 2 pack of them instead.

But yeah, thats all for this post! I think I'll probably do my helmet next since I already have the paint colors picked, I'd just need to fit it in between Classes and other hobbies.

Thanks for Reading!

See you in the field
That is one beautiful M6! I made one with Ag's files a few years back, they really are a breeze to work with. How'd you enjoy the build?
Armor Update 8) Test Assembly

Hello all! I know it hasn't been long since my last post. With Zenkaicon 2025 around the corner, I'm working overtime in my free time trying to get this suit completed. I spent all of yesterday with my gf just getting everything attached, and this post is the culmination of all that work. You might be asking, why would I attach everything if I need to paint it still. Well even though I've been printing for the better half of a year, I never actually test fit most of it. Sure I had the posts with like the chest rig and belt, but that was the extent of it. Nothing really together together if you catch my drift. I am following Hype's recommendations for the chest rig under the armor and god did it make a world of difference. Its so much easier to put on and take off now that

Well I've yapped enough. Let me cut to the chase.​



You might notice that I am missing my shins and boots. This is because I have terminal "Swiss Cheese Brain" and forgot to disable internal supports on those prints. Thankfully the calf prints are all good, but I have to reprint the shins.



Honestly the mobility inside the suit isn't that bad. I had some fun while wearing it. For how much It weighed, its distributed pretty well. I was able to move around and do dumb stuff inside the suit. For example:

I'm sorry Frosty, I know its not proper form, but It's the best I can do for doing it in my armor.

Anyways. I just wanted to show off my armor! I took some more photos that I will try to edit to look cooler. Currently me walking out of the woods behind my house doesn't give off the vibes I was going for. Besides that, I am currently sanding down my helmet and shoulders so those will probably be the next post as long as I don't freeze my fingers off.

Thanks for reading, and see you guys in the field!
- YTunz / Ben


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Your armor is looking fantastic! There’s no issues with putting everything on before paint. I always do that to make sure I’m not going to run into strange issues with mobility before I put all the work into painting it.

Speaking of which, how are you planning on painting it?
Your armor is looking fantastic! There’s no issues with putting everything on before paint. I always do that to make sure I’m not going to run into strange issues with mobility before I put all the work into painting it.

Speaking of which, how are you planning on painting it?
I've found a few issues with the fit so far, particularly where the belt goes. Since I'm using that plate carrier, the hip plates and and belt don't really have a place to fit without rubbing against the bottom.

I actually just got back from Lowes today with my paint. I'm planning on doing a metallic base coat of Rustoleum Metallic Titanium Silver, with Krylon Matte Dark Pearl for the main armor and Krylon Satin Brick for the highlights. I also have white and black for tertiary highlights.

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