HOD Philadelphia Photos

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I think uploading this way will preserve the transparency, if not I can send it out to others if there's issues.


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I had a stupid number of GBs to upload when we got home. Something around 3200 photos (admittedly I didn't check but I assume half are from seeing TWRP and The Protomen)
I've cut it down to 500, and then went through and chose favourites. So the edit machine will be fully operational soon. In the mean time, enjoy this picture of TurboCharizard

picture enjoyed.

...and I want to double like the pic of Dirtdives there.
Resurrecting an old thread by dumping a ton of images.
Split up because I appear to have hit the memory limit for a post.

Fun fact, it's hard to work on photos when you're not particularly pleased with how they turned out. Every time I've tried to sit down and edit photos from Outpost I've been frustrated with them in some rhyme or reason-- and it only got worse when I got a new camera and saw what a real sensor could do (truly the greatest frustration is that I got this nice new camera just in time for the to be NO conventions but I digress)

What I needed to consider that I both 1) have too high expectations for photos that I mostly took for the fun of chronicling the event and 2) I had a gorram broken hand at the time, and I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

Plus, just because these photos aren't up to my standards-- it doesn't mean they aren't fun, special and a great snapshot of an event we all had a great time at!

I had major nostalgia for Outpost today to help me power through these basic colour and exposure corrections. Cause man, if I wouldn't strap my hand up in a splint again just to troop with you fine folk sooner <3

- my ideal gun size demonstrated with an adorable girl and a sniper rifle taller than she is
- Grunt v Chief, with casualties
- NATO spec rails man
- Group Photos, because I don't recall if I ever uploaded them anywhere
- an arm wrestle with Chief
- other shots of CND Reg in the Pelican

And fine folks like:
Schankerz, TurboCharizard, Viper 466, iac300, Ashuraa, BlazedStarbon, FANGS, Felipe06, Lt.Dan, ExCeLLuR8, Benton188, Rock Lobbster, Lieutenant Jaku, arma358, serenko3, FelixMercenary, SgtSkittle117,

(I will add more tags once TurboCharizard is available to tell me what y'alls handles are. I do remember your names though~!)

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