Holiday Time Off - What do YOU have planned?

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I'm sure many of us here have at least a little time off over the holidays. I'm fortunate enough to have from the 18th of December to the 3rd of January off which I'm VERY excited about.

My plan during that time is to really get a head start on a bunch of costumes, including, hopefully my ODST. It's all trimmed and painted but I still need to cut down the thighs and of course add all of the strapping and undersuit and vest. I also haven't started the helmet yet, and I'm just ordering the backpack. I have several costumes planned this year (as always) for both local cons and DragonCon so I'd really like to get lots of the foundation work done for those so I can get away from my typical OHMYGOODNESSINEEDTOWEARTHISCOSTUMEIN3DAYS panic. This year I have a lot of super ornate stuff I'm working on but not a lot can be done until the base is done.

Unfortunately, I really do have the best of intentions to do this most years and then somehow get sidetracked in to doing other things. We have a lot of local events for the release of Star Wars TFA with the 501st but thankfully they are right at the start of my holidays so they shouldn't get me sidetracked too badly.

What do you have planned to do? Building? Relaxing? Visiting? Gaming? All of the above?
I'm a warehouse manager for a large retail company so getting off during holiday is out. My kids go to Hebrew private school so they usually get off for winter vacation in late January. Haven't taken a vacation in a bit, usually more like stay-cations locally. This year.......the youngest of my kids just turned 10 and they are just itching for what we have planned. Road trip to Disney!!!!

And since I have the days available, I'm going to take 3 days off for myself to get some stuff done around the house and get some solid work done on 3 costumes. 2 for the kids and 1 for me. I say that now like its really going to happen.....We plan, God laughs......The Jewish holiday of Purim (Jewish version of Halloween) is in late March so I have until then to get them done. And of course there will be the cons in the area that I would love to go to. Looking forward to the NYC Comicon!!! I
Plans are as folllows:
Finnish up My Rtas 'Vadum suit in time for New years. I have 80% confidence I can make the date.
hard Deadline is NewCon on the 15th of Jan.
Then on top of that I have a Vader I am helping with .I made the mask and He has a dome.... I am expanding my Vac table to hold his shins .

Aside from moving and trying to get my visa processed, I'll likely be trying my best not to slaughter the next radio presenter that sticks Bing Crosby on the radio.

I do not do festive cheer very well. Current display picture related.
I wish I could get more than a few days off... But I do get to leave work early on the 18th and get a two and a half day weekend and I get a three day weekend Christmas weekend. I wish I had vacation pay or more paid leave that I could use...

I'll likely be working on my Engineer suit and working on a comedy sketch with my dog while he wears his Dogmeat costume I made for him on Thanksgiving weekend.


I'm really tired of seeing politics trending on my Facebook feed, so I'm gunna try to break the internet again and flood everyone with pictures of my dog. :p


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I got approved for my leave from the base last week, and I begin today, which just so happens to be my birthday!!
That's all the good news, as my hiatus from work is basically because I have a massive 50-50 sorta surgery (which also means I'm going to be in hospital for Christmas), and if all goes well basically resting and watching a whole lot of shows that I need to catch up on! I'm not expected back at work till February, so I got a lot of shows to catch up on!
I get two days off for christmas and new years day off. That being said I WILL be finishing my odst helmet off and hopefully get it ready to make a cast.
I'll be spending most of next week in Disneyland and the second week I have off I'm going to be working on META...
Sounds like you all will be having fun one way or another!
Nothing too special is planned for the holidays other than my siblings visiting. Besides that, this year will end with a bang and a head-start on costumes for next year...I need to stop dissecting references and do some actual construction.

Cortana's armor in Halo 5 will be my top priority. Work on the base suit has already begun. :D
For me the most important day in December is December 18th... STAR WARS! OMGOGMGOGOGOGOG ';lkjhgfdsa It's gonna be so epic... And then, well... The Christmas, so there will be things to do.
To be honest I'm not a big fan of Christmas, for me these are just regular days, but my family treats is like a huge thing...
I'm just gonna do stuff I always do and continue working on my Mjolnir armor. :3
trying to find a way to protest Disney for what they did to the 501st. I mean come on they won't have a build deal if they let they let in a official stromtrooper in with that one machine gun they turned into a blaster but when we make something they say its too real to be let in and Fangs knows all about this because the 501st has been talking about it for weeks now.

and help out this some projects on the side, as well has building a fat man, I mean I do plan on taking that to star war's next big film.
On vacation myself for Christmas week. And I will need it. My Boss is on vacation this week coming up and I will be in charge of the stupidity show while he is gone. And if my last 3 days this week of being in charge are any indication of what next week will be I will probably be in the hospital with a stroke/heart attack or in prison.

But vacation week I hope will be me getting the last few pieces of my spartan armor finished or at least started. I at least would like to get my helmet so I can put the visor in it. I need to get Ashuraa off her duff and started on my spartan under suit. I am going to spend a good bit of time down at the game store/club we belong to painting some miniatures for various games I play. Playing a bit of MWO. Star wars the old republic and world of warships.

I also need to sit down and start to figure out what table props that I am going to build for the two tables we have for the 405th at this coming years Sci Fi Valley con.
Puppy pictures for the win!!

Looks like we have a giant variety of things going on. I expect pictures!
I'm doing absolutely nothing until I see Star Wars Ep 7 tonight!!! Then I can get on with my life.... until next year lol
I have New Years Day off. So I'll be driving downstate that day to deliver a commission I've been working on since August. It's good/nerve racking to be delivering it in person. It's good cause I can show him how everything will fit, and we can correct any flaws while I'm there, but it's also nerve racking cause he'll be able to see certain flaws and may not like certain details on parts. P.S. Do not worry as I know the guy personally and have been friends for a few years, so I'm not just going to someone random that I'm meeting for the first time :p
I have New Years Day off. So I'll be driving downstate that day to deliver a commission I've been working on since August. It's good/nerve racking to be delivering it in person. It's good cause I can show him how everything will fit, and we can correct any flaws while I'm there, but it's also nerve racking cause he'll be able to see certain flaws and may not like certain details on parts. P.S. Do not worry as I know the guy personally and have been friends for a few years, so I'm not just going to someone random that I'm meeting for the first time :p

well at least your guy is able to contact you nobel 10 up and left me with a spike rifle and fuel rod cannon with no shipping address, so now I have extras!
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