How many rolls of eva foam do I need to make a full suit of armor

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How many rolls of eva foam do I need to make a full suit of armor and what kind of glue do I use
That depends on the length and width of the foam you get ig. With glue though I use contact cement and it works really well, but just make sure you're taking the proper safety measures when using it cause that stuff is noooooot good for you.
Welcome s617!

It's hard to know for sure how many rolls of EVA foam you would need without knowing what build you are doing, your height and weight, and taking into account how much trial and error comes with making cosplays. HERE is part of a thread made by RandomRanger and Fallen that shows a few examples of how much foam was used on a costume. The thread also has some great information about different types of EVA foam, what supplies you need, and general safety while building your cosplay. As for what glue to use on your foam, the most popular choices are contact cement and superglue. I use both, depending on what I may be creating.

Happy building!
Excellent question!

My mk7 took 4 packs of 4 foam floor tiles to make. That’s roughly 64 square feet. Of course that includes some foam pieces that I had to remake for sizing purposes. My cost analysis for the suit can be found here: N8TEBB's Mk 7 Build!!!!!

For glue, I use barge contact cement.
Excellent question!

My mk7 took 4 packs of 4 foam floor tiles to make. That’s roughly 64 square feet. Of course that includes some foam pieces that I had to remake for sizing purposes. My cost analysis for the suit can be found here: N8TEBB's Mk 7 Build!!!!!

For glue, I use barge contact cement.
How tall are you? I'm 5 foot 10 and wear a xl shirt
How many rolls of eva foam do I need to make a full suit of armor and what kind of glue do I use
I would say (considering your height) around 3 to 5 rolls, depending on the armor you want to make. I buy my rolls per meter (3'2 feet), but also you gotta consider that some minor details take up different foam thickness. So what I would do in a rookie position: start slow, buy 3 rolls of different thickness (it can be from 4mm to 8mm), and start playing around with the depth of the armor.

Also: for glue the best one is contact cement (in my case). It takes a bit to dry, but once you´ve glued it: it´s a really strong build, even ain´t affected that much by rain or heat (which is the main issue with hot glue, it melts with heat).

So good luck and happy building!
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