How Many Times Have You Done It?

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Well, I'd have to first find my copy of HALO for the PC and install on it my current computer before we could do that, lol.

As for HALO 3 on PC, if I'm not mistaken they don't have any plans on converting the third installment to that platform.

that suck i really want to do it by myself :lol:
oh well ill find a way
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I've honestly lost count, but if I had to guess...

Halo CE: At least 15 times over the years

Halo 2: Not less than 5

Halo 3: At least 5 or 6 to get all the skulls, play multiplayer, etc.
Halo: CE = once

Halo 2 = once

Halo 3 = twice I think! Once on normal, then on Heroic but I'm still trying to beat the last level for heroic.

I think sometimes if you play a game too many times the epic-ness of it wears off a bit, so I don't usually play them more than twice except for those random co-op sessions that youu do for a laugh!
I stick to matchmaking with Halo 3! :]
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