How Should I Connect My Suit?

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New Member
So, this isn't about Halo but its similar and I need help. I'm designing a 3D print of Daedric armor from Skyrim This is my first time making armor and obviously not all of my pieces are connected, but some pieces, like the thigh armor, probably won't hold themselves up. I thought of glueing the armor to a body suit but that doesn't sound like a good idea. I also thought of doing Velcro instead but that doesn't sound strong enough. So basically, I need a way to hold some of the pieces together on a suit or something so that it looks good.
We do have a strapping guide here Strapping Guide: Making, and sizing it. I'm not sure how much you'd have to adapt for Skyrim armor, but it's a good reference that you can even loosely follow.

Also we do have a section for non-Halo costumes and props, so if you want to make a build thread for your Daedric armor you absolutely can! Also seeing pictures of the armor in that thread can make it easier for others to help with questions like this
There's a lot of similarity in armor types (I suit up in my spartan almost exactly how I suit up in TK armor). I suspect a lot of it translates the same so: lots of elastic strapping and buckles. Maybe a snap or two if you're feeling spicy.
Thread moved to Non-Halo Costumes and Props as it is Skyrim Armor.
I appreciate everyone's help, after looking at all your suggestions I've decided a good option would be to make a strap and buckle rig, once I get the rest of my pieces printed out, I'll make a layout for it and get started. Again, I very much appreciate all your help!
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