If you plan on painting the helmet, this is super easy! It happens to me all the time. I like to use bondo spot putty to fill in gaps like these. Before you do that though, it's a good idea to glue it together and sand the helmet. Next, squeeze some spot putty out of the tube and fill in the gap. Wait for it to dry and then sand it down.
A lot of people like to use automotive sandable filler primer before painting to help fill in the layer lines created by the printer. Once the gap filled with the spot putty, I will spray the whole helmet with filler primer and then sand it down. If there are large, noticeable spots you can fill those with spot putty as well. I will do 2-3 rounds of filler primer and sanding before I paint. Before long, you won't even notice there's a gap! The chief helmet I have on in my profile pic was printed in 8 pieces, but you can't tell! Hope this helps