How can I improve my frame?


New Member
I’m currently working on the AndrewDFT ODST armor and just finished the base of the chest. I chose the medium-sized set of templates for heights 5.2ft - 6.2 ft, being 5’7 (just barely). Now I’m just wondering if there was any way (or ways) to bulk up the armor piece or something because it already looks very big on me. I’m already planning to cut into the shoulders a little so they don’t look so straight and level.


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Welcome to the 405th!

If you feel the size of the chest piece is the right proportions, but just needs something to fill it in, try upholstery foam. It's lightweight and very comfortable. You may also want to adjust the patterns by hand to slim it down, if you feel comfortable doing so.

To me the helmet looks good - just make sure you've got room for padding in there too, room for the visor so it doesn't hit your glasses (if you plan to wear them with the helmet) and room for any electronics you may plan to add, like fans.

Hmm yes it seams that the armour is designed for someone with shoulders a bit more broad than you. I think cutting a bit from the shoulders to make it a tad bit narrower will make the fit a bit better. You may also be able to slim it up a bit (should you want to) by removing a bit of foam from the sides. This sill make it sit closer to your chest and back, while not taking away from the height of the armour. I am a bit taller than you (5'11") but I have a very similar body-build. I had to make most of my armour pieces slimmer than the templates I followed.

Helmet looks good for scaling as of now, it ill be easier to tell if it's off when the rest of the suit comes together

Congrats on starting your build!
View attachment 344193
Hmm yes it seams that the armour is designed for someone with shoulders a bit more broad than you. I think cutting a bit from the shoulders to make it a tad bit narrower will make the fit a bit better. You may also be able to slim it up a bit (should you want to) by removing a bit of foam from the sides. This sill make it sit closer to your chest and back, while not taking away from the height of the armour. I am a bit taller than you (5'11") but I have a very similar body-build. I had to make most of my armour pieces slimmer than the templates I followed.

Helmet looks good for scaling as of now, it ill be easier to tell if it's off when the rest of the suit comes together

Congrats on starting your build!
Thanks! love your videos btw :)
Your helmet looks great, although since youre asking about proportions, it does look a bit to big for your head. You can probably still use it and finish it up, however, if your head is too big, you might be able to find files with a magnetic neck seal to decrease the size even more.
Grettings and welcome!
Modifications to the chest base are definitely needed to make it fit you better.
Do you happen to have photos from the side and the back? It would help to get a better look from all angles to properly give advice on what needs to be altered.
From what I can see, the chest rig is too big over all. It looks like a box at the moment. The shoulders should be sitting right on your shoulder not extending past them and the rest of it should be wrapping around your torso relatively snug. Take an actual army plate carrier a soldier would wear as a reference.
If possible. Consider remaking the rig with 6mm foam and then use 10mm for the chest plate and side plates. It should give the proper silhouette of an ODST.
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