OK every body
Bondo And Bondo glass are two different things
Bondo is a plain body filler and doesn't have as much streanght its good for filling dents and is easy to sand.
Bond glass is Bondo like body filler with chopped fiberglass pre mixed in, it is much stronger it is a little harder to sand but if you do most of you work while it is partialy cured witha cheeze grater tool you can whittle most of the parts down that you need to fairly easily.
Boldo fiberglass is what is being used in the pictures of this tutorial.
I would not worry about either of these products beeing of any harm to you unless you are working in a small unventilated room or shoving it up your nose and stuff, i don't think it will irritate you skin much but wear gloves any way cause it isn't nice if it drioes on you. i wouldn't use this stuff indoors anyway, if it gets on anything it is very hard to get out. so make sure you wear something that you are not gonna care if it gets destroyed.
LINK : do you have a link to the site you found this at i would love to check it out. I started making the armor, ( its much less complicated than halo armor ) I wanted to see if they had any other stuff like the rest of the costume.