I'm back and am getting stuff done


New Member
so... i know its been awhile since I've last posted but thanks to some of the pointers and tips made by you guy (thank you so much) I've printed, sanded and painted my MK VII helmet and i figured id share some tips of my own to some newer people dont make the same mistakes i did. One big thing is definitely recommend is if your printer cant print the entire helmet at once to look over pre cut files before hitting print. When my prints all finished it was in like 10 separate pieces when i could've done it in 4. another thing is i personally used Bondo keep the helmet together and used way too much so big tip would be to use it sparingly. ill be debuting the helmet at nyc Comicon in about a week, but anyways i want to once again thank all of the people on here and on you tube for helping me out.

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