To get better takes mistakes.... you need to just screw up!
Be safe . But make mistakes.
In my first year of middle school I make a dinky Tesla coil that was never working right.
It would burst caps and burn up transformers. ( jam my LAN in the home . )

I learned AC math to understand what was going on with the thing.( it was WAY over coupled)
A few years of learning and many dead neon sign transformers.
I manged to get a 14kV pole pig and some Big freaking caps.
This is what happened on my final coil I built for my self.Venom.

Venom can do 12Feet. normal is 8 or so. My mentors coil can do 120 FEET! they are known as Kva Effects.
To make anything from a game or a movie takes skill and loads of it .
Heck I spent 9 Years in college studying Electronics Engineering along with
theater costume and makeup design.
Ive learned just enough know Ive got a very long way to go!!
I drool over the suits I see here. but that just make me wanna improve.
Every thing you learn adds to your final skill set.
Your personal toolbox in your head...
If there is a part of props you don't get.
Then take a small risk and try something you Can do then mod it .
SO lets say you wanna try casting . I would make a blocky magnum. I mean make it ULGY as heck. then learn to lay on the outter cast. make a few solid casts .
Any build is a chain of steps. learn the steps and then link them up.