I was saying dont use hot glue, its very globby and messy. Whereas good old elmers soaks in and makes good bond, with little or no mess. And no big globs to worry about.
One or two layers of fiberglass cloth should be enough if your making armor just to wear, but if your planning on any paint ball, or rough housing Id triple that estimate.
Once you have the layers of cloth added, make sure you add several coats of plain resin to the outside, this will be your painable surface, and if thick enough you can carve the mold lines and other details into it. If your really inspired you could add pigment to is, and make it whats called a gel coat. Then no painting is required at all if you have a decent enough surface.
Or you could fill the insides with spray foam and build a vac forming table and build many sets of armor, to sell trade, or just have. :dee:
Im looking for something I can reuse, kinda like sintra (for sale sign matl) so i can remake the items at will, and keep the mold handy. Ive seen waxed posterboard, but not sure if the resin would still soak in.
I know from doing my fett helmet out of paper that the paper and carboard used to make it are now permanently a part of it forever. LOL