hello 405th! I saw this forum and thaught to myself, "I owe alot of people on the 405th an apology." You see I am, for lack of a better word, a "Leech". I visit this site at least twice a day to use the ideas and expertise of the 405th's modelers, Pep-ers, sculpters, and engineers to work around any kinks that may arise in my personal builds but I never contribute any of my ideas to help the comunity. This, of course, has all been by accident. It started with me hopping onto the website with the entention of registering, so that i could ask a question, but i would find that the answer to my questions had already been posted in the forums (sorry, Im not the ask questions even after its been answered kind of Noob). As a result I didnt register.
Every now and then I would see a question that I could answer or a problem that i could solve for some one, but I was not registered. with work and family grabbing the majority of my time I just kept pushing the 405th into the back of my mind. Like a splinter, it dug in. Burying itself deep and deeper into my thaughts, the need to register and reply grew more appearant than ever.
So, after reading CPU64's response in this forum I am ready to not only help with this topic but a number of other "visor realated issues that have managed to pop up on the 405th. That is if you accept my apology...
The only way to have a HUD that will not blur because of distance is to project it from the sides (by each ear) towards the visor. It will reflect the same distance away from your eyes. But the visor needs to be modified for reflection and getting the image aligned would be the hardest part of the project.
Cpu64 is right, in order to HELP your eyes focus on the HUD, you have to *optically* double the distance inside of your helmet. {EXAMPLE} look at yourself in a mirror, your reflection appears to be twice a far away from you and your eyes hve no trouble focusing on the objects in the mirror accordingly. But, how do we put a mirror inside of a helmet? More importantly how do we see thourgh it? Well kiddies, that is where my first contribution comes into play. It's one of those things that is so simple yet difficult to explain. so ive been working on a video to show how to make it. (posting soon) ... seriously!