Props Infinite Skull


New Member
I found this file on Thingiverse and thought to myself, Halloween is coming up and I could use with some decorations. There aren't any lights in it and while glueing together the parts they shifted a little so I covered the seems with hot glue and painted it silver as if it's weld lines. I'm happy with how it turned out.

And now I know how I can sneak Halo decorations into the house for Halloween you absolute genius. I can just hear Jeff Steitzer… ODDBALL!
And now I know how I can sneak Halo decorations into the house for Halloween you absolute genius. I can just hear Jeff Steitzer… ODDBALL!
That was exactly what my plan was and my partner loves it. They eve. have their skull candles next to it. When I added it to our house they immediately went "Thats from Odd Ball! The one where (roommates name) yells at you for winning!"
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