Introduce Yourself

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My is Russell and I've joined this site so as to learn to hopefully make a suit of Mjolnir armor that I can use in my hobby or Airsoft.
I have a reasonably good helmet done already, but I cheated a little by using the master chief helmet that came with the legendary
edition of Halo 3. I'm looking forward to reading the threads, getting to know people and getting advice.
Name: Austin H.
Profession: Don't really have one yet, but i am hoping next year i will have a job.
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Thats a hard one to answer... hm... i would have to say Building things and games and reading.
Favorite part of halo: everything
Favorite Halo: hard to say but i would have to go with 1
Favorite Video Game: Halo :3
Other Interests: Music, My girlfriend ;D,drawing,all around thinking about everything, and friends.
Favorite Food: Chinese! :D
Favorite Finisher: Assassination
Favorite Band: To many to name
Favorite Movie(s): Forest gump and alot others :p
oops new at this

sorry anyway my name is still cameron i like reading one piece, my favorite moive is iron man, i love building things and i just dounloaded pepakura desiner going to be working on some mark 3 iron man stuff soon hope you like
Name: Ryan Steel
Profession: None
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, making things, extreme sports (mountain biking), music - listening and playing
Favorite part of Halo: All of it!
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo series or CoD Series.
Other Interests: I kinda like school...
Favorite Food: Ummm, pasta... Definetely pasta, and maybe pizza's in the ranks too...
Other: Life = FUN!
Hi All

Name: Jorge R.
Profession: Student.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby:Building armors, and other thinks.
Favorite part of halo: All.
Favorite Video Game: Halo 2 and SW Battlefront
Other Interests: STAR WARS, meke friends...etc...
Favorite Food: Mexican¡¡¡
Favorite Band: To many...
Favorite Movie(s): STAR WARS....
Name: Brian
Profession: Looking for a job, plan on going to college for landscape design
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Paintball, chillin etc
Favorite part of halo: Finding skulls was pretty fun
Favorite Halo: 3, only played all but 2 >.<
Favorite Video Game: Fable 1 and lost chapters
Other Interests: music definitely
Favorite Food: crab and other seafood
Favorite Finisher: umm not sure lol
Favorite Band: Hollywood Undead
Favorite Movie(s): The express and other football movies, anything funny :)
Name: Collin Lennon
Profession: Student
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Racing Rc cars and building cosplay
Favorite part of halo: the intensly modifiable maps in forge.
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Dead Space
Other Interests: Music, Airsoft/paintball rc cars anime/manga
Favorite Finisher: I cant remember who does it but... the one where he rips the guys heart out and its beating in his hand
Favorite Band: Skrillex
Favorite Movie(s): Matrix trilogy, any shooting movie ever made, Dead snow,
Other: I have won more than 5 state champion titles in various cycling events. but have retired to costumes and school.
Name: Ashley
Profession: Business Psychology
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Bicycling
Favorite Video Game: FF7
Other Interests: Violin, gardens, business, music, movies
Favorite Food: Persimmon Jiro
Favorite Finisher: rocket launcher
Favorite Band: Imagine Dragon
Favorite Movie(s): V for Vendetta, Riddick, Willy wonka...there's alot
Name: Kyle Lennon
Profession: NONE lol i guess writing or buying things on ebay lol
Age: 18
Favorite Hobbys: Video Games, anime&manga, writing ma book, raving, and the melbourne shuffle
Favorite part of halo: When the game turns into an alien zombie fest( the flood )
Favorite Video Game: Halo: combat evolved or CODMWF2
Other Interests: Anime lots and lots of anime! oh and i do the melbourne shuffle!
Favorite Food: Sushi and yaki udon :I
Favorite Bands/DJ's: White chapel, Cookie Monsta, Skream, dave 202, showteck, Flutlicht, dethklok, Korpiklaani
Favorite Movie(s): Ummm most action scifi thriller stuff, well and most anime movies
Hi Everyone

Name: ZED
Profession: Full Time Musician (Drum Teacher)
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Now that's a hard one!
Other Interests: Movies - Motorsport - prop making
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Band: wow, that's a hard one!
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens - Original Star Wars Trilogy - Bourne Trilogy - Step Brothers etc ...
Name: Chris Jimenez
Age: 22
Profession: Just going to school right now at a community college
Favorite Hobby: I would have to say basketball. Although DIY projects are a close second
Favorite Halo : Never played the single player, pretty good at multiplayer, love the way the armor looks.
Favorite Food : Pasta
Favorite Type of Music: R&B (I like the slow stuff)
Favorite Video Game: As of right now it's Starcraft 2, but was Modern Warfare 2. Back in the day it was Counter-Strike.
Favorite Cartoon: Southpark
Favorite Anime: Full Metal Alchemist - Brotherhood.
Favorite Quote: "Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away."
Favorite Finisher: Kobe (GO LAKERS!)
Other: I'm a big fan of car audio and DIY projects so in my free time I like to do stuff to my truck (Ford Ranger). I'm not into the whole BIG BASS thing. I'm all about sound quality. I also like building computers and I keeping up with all the latest technology. Unfortunately, no job so it's hard to keep up. haha.
Name: Exelan

Profession: Musician and IT Consultant

Age: 30

Favorite Hobby: Music, Video Games, 1337 shenanigans

Favorite part of halo: Saving humanity.

Favorite Halo: Reach

Favorite Video Game: Halo, Battlefield Bad Company 2

Other Interests: PAX, DnD, Drawing, Designing

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Movie(s): Bladerunner, Aliens, T2, The Dark Knight, Tron, Star Wars IV V and VI, Dune, Predator, Road Warrior, Stargate, The Matrix, District 9, Sin City, Ghost In The Shell, Akira...
Name: John Lowther
Profession: Civil Servant in the UK
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Sports
Favorite part of halo: Everything lol
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: Halo, MGS
Other Interests: Airsoft, WW1/2 Re-enacting/Living History, Costuming, Fan-Video Making.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Finisher: Plasma Grenade in the Face ^_^
Favorite Band: Queen
Favorite Movie(s): Star Trek (TV Series More So), Star Wars, and much more
Other: Armourer for the Youth Volunteers Initiative Re-enactment Group, Co-Founder of the USS Pegasus Hartlepool Star Trek Club, Completed the Cleveland Hike Numerous Times.
hi I originally joined the site as alpha_7 but when it was transferred I thought my count was deleted and I created a new one (Alpha B A 7) so if anyone knows how to delete my old account I would appreciate his/hers help

Name: Stergos Chatzidiakou
Profession: student
Age: 15
Location: Athens
Favorite part of halo: all
Favorite Halo: halo combat evolved and 2 ( I haven’t played halo3 because i don’t and wont by an x-box)
Favorite Video Game: halo 1,2, crysis, wings of prey, star wars republic commando ,Jedi academy LotR battle for middle earth 2,the Rise of the Witch King
other interests: playing football ,classic/electric guitar paper crafts and video games
Name: Daniel
Profession: I work* at a comic book store (*i help around)
Age: 14 (going to be 15 pretty soon)
Favorite Hobby: Comic Book Collecting and Video Games
Favorite part of halo: The Multiplayer
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Infamous, Assassins Creed series, and a bunch more
Other Interests: Sleep
Favorite Food: Cinnamon Toast Crunch (cereal)
Favorite Band: Russian Circles
Favorite Movie: the soon to be in production "Deadpool"
Other: I am South African, but I moved to the USA
Profession:none yet
Age: 19 going on 20
Location: NoHo, CA
Favorite Hobby: off roading
Favorite part of halo: story
Favorite Halo: ce
Favorite Video Game: C.O.D.
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Movie: D9
Name: Caleb
Profession: none yet
Age: 19
Location: Janesville, WI
Favorite hobbies: Parkour and video games
Favorite part of halo: multiplayer
Favorite halo: halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video game: a tie between halo and metal gear solid peace walker
Favorite food: Deli sandwich
Favorite movie: To kill a mocking bird
Hey guys,

Name: Tayler Stuart
Profession: Student
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Grapic Design
Favorite part of halo: Modding it
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Halo or any game on the Source Engine
Other Interests: Drawing/doodling
Favorite Food: Custard Pie
Favorite Finisher: Melee
Favorite Band: The Offspring/Paramore
Favorite Movie(s): Too many to list.
Other: I am a Kiwi.

I've only just started woodworking, and I am still working on my first project, a Colt m1911a1.
Hope to show my progress on it soon.
Name: Andrew
Age: 21
Profession: MAB Paints associate
Favorite Hobby: Sports especially football wiffleball, and video games
Favorite Part of Halo: Definitely story line and Master Chief
Favorite Halo: DEfinitely 1 but reach is coming out and looks awesome
Favorite Video Games: Bioshocks, Star Wars FU, Halo's
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