Introduce Yourself

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Hello everyone

Name: Chris Lamos (pronounced Laemos)
Profession: Freelance lawn mower
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Video games and playing the trombone
favorite part of halo: red
favorite halo: even though it hasn't come out yet reach
Favorite video game: Red Faction series and the halos
other interests: causing gratuitous amounts of awesomeness
Not much else really but if u must know just contact me
Hey Guys,

first I wanna say hi to 405th. I just joined but I wanted to add my gamertag so that we could maybe play some halo. Would be pretty awesome.
Just add me and say that you're from the 405th.

XBL gamertag: tw0s7oN3

Name: David Marks
Profession: Aircraft Maintenance USAF
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: Story, that goes for any game. If there's not a good story I get bored.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Toss up between Knights of the Old Republic, Halo series and Starcraft 2
Other Interests: Electronics, Paint ball, Voleyball
Favorite Food: Mexican food
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars (Original trilogy) Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan

I've been in the Air Force almost 8 years which is where I discovered Halo. When I was going through my technical training the squadron used to hold Halo tournaments once or twice a monthas a way for us to blow off steam. That was pretty much all I knew of Halo until last year when I was in a motorcycle accident and was laid up couldn't walk for a month. So I picked up the Halo series and started playing. I found that I got so engrossed in the games that I would even forget to take my meds and wouldn't realize. That's when I knew Halo was really something special.

I found out about this site in X Box Magazine, and couldnt resist checking it out.
Name: Austin "Jack" McGinnis
Profession: Student/ Training to be a chef
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Cooking, and making things
Favorite part of halo: Story, definitely. I love the Halo story line and own all the books
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Fable, and Team Fortress 2
Other Interests: Airsoft, making photos in Photoshop, and sleeping
Favorite Food: Italian styled food
Favorite Finisher: 1 bullet, 250+ Meters, and my enemies' face, can you guess what happens?
Favorite Artist: Renard
Favorite Movie(s): Fight Club, Book of Eli.

I've recently been to my first convention with a few friends, we all decided to Cosplay the first time around (it seemed like alot of fun on youtube....). I was stuck with the job of making the props for the adventure, we went as TF2 characters, so I made a Tribalsman Shiv, a Fire Axe, and a Southern Hospitality. I found this to be very fun, so I started looking into other props and costumes I could make, and stumbled across 405th and all the awesome props the members of the community have made.
Name: Dustin
Profession: Defense Engineer
Age: 27
Favorite Hobbies: Video Games, Costuming, Prop Building, Movies, Books, Cooking
Favorite part of Halo: Multiplayer even though I do not get to play a ton these days. Hoping to change that with Reach.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Rough one, probably TIE Fighter way back in the day.
Favorite Food: A really good steak
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Xbox Live Gamertag: The Evil Benius

I definitely am not new to costuming even though I am just getting into doing Halo stuff. I have almost ten years of experience now building costumes and props with a lot of experience with Star Wars stuff (501st member). I have also recently started getting into droid building with an R2-D2 currently under completion.
I swear to desperately try to not make n00b mistakes.

Name: Joel
Profession: Personal Banker & Mortgage Originator
Interests: Choral singing, new beer, war history, birds, my motorcycle, and guns.
Favorite game: Earthworm Jim
Favorite HALO weapon: My fists
Favorite HALO moment: End of Halo3. I teared up, then credits.
Favorite movies: There Will Be Blood, American Beauty, Fight Club, Good Will Hunting, Jurassic Park, LOTR Trilogy, Babe, The Green Mile

What I hope to accomplish: I would love to start with something simple (gloves, boots), move up a bit more (helmet), and then make a hybrid of an airsoft AEG with a full-scale HALO Assault Rifle. The more functional my creations can be, the better.

I love new experiences: new sports arenas, beers, restaurants, music styles, food, art, literature, video games, etc. "All of life is an experiment," it is said. Why not soak it up?
Name: Isaac
Profession: Student in college and Staff Writer for
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: any form of artistic creation
Favorite part of halo: expanded universe and how it ties into the gaming universe
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Portal (serves as almost a metaphor for life)
Other: Not much else. I'm not a noob to the Halo community, as much as I may be to this site and armor building. I've been around since H2, and have been active on a few community sites. I've heard lots about 405th but never thought to try it out for myself, since I didn't feel like I had the time to create something from scratch. After watching a few videos of how to make full armor though, I'm confident that a helmet could turn out pretty good if I put the same amount of effort into that one piece. Something nice to wear to events for fun, and just something that'll look cool on my Halo shelf. I'm looking for an extreme amount of detail and durability, at the cheapest price possible.

I'm not sure how often I'll be posting on the forums, but I thought it would be a good idea to join up for in the future. I'd really appreciate it if someone could email me any links or instructions for creating a good helmet, preferably ODST. My email is

I'd appreciate any help anyone is willing to give me. :)
Name: Steve
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: too many to choose from; gaming, sports, rockets, airplanes, helis, cant pick one
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 until the 14th
Favorite Video Game: Possibly Ocarina of Time
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Movie: At the moment, Book of Eli
Gamertag: Drednought08
WoW Main: Drednought, Zangarmarsh

I just love building and designing things, and I love Halo so I was overjoyed when told about this site and how to make armor. Im going to school for Game Design actually so hoping some of you might see my name and hear my voice in many years ahead.
Name: Leon
Profession: UX Designer
Age: 29
Favorite Hobby: Video Games or SCA heavy fighting, they're about the same.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: ME2
Other Interests: Art, design, and playing guitar
Favorite Food: German
Favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band
Favorite Movie(s): The Princess Bride, Clerks, Fight Club
Gamertag: OptimusWang

I've been making SCA heavy sca armor off and on for the last 7 years. It'll be nice to try my hand at something that won't constantly be getting hit with a wooden club :)
Name: Andre'
Profession: Student
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Eating, just being active/ competitive
Favorite Halo: The first Halo cant be beat, all that fresh newness!
Favorite Video Game: Right now, MW2
Favorite Food: I have to agree with OptimusWang, German since I grew up there. But any food in large quantity makes me happy
Gamertag: GermanColossus (XBL)

I missed being creative and with Reach coming out I couldnt think of a better project. It'll be a great experience learning new skills and techniques. Plus once Im finished I get to have more fun! Im a bit ambitious and Im going to start with the HD Mark VI Helmet, Ive got some pretty cool ideas I want to try out.
Nmae: John Young
Profession: Sheriff Deputy
Age: 30
Hobbies: Shooting guns, painting and making Halo armor
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Location: East Georgia
Name: Adrian aka Archangel613
Profession: I unload trucks and coordinate recieving at walmart. ICS
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Performance Automotive/Kickin @ss at halo
Favorite part of halo: Anytime Cortana is involved. ( my girlfriend hates that)
Favorite Halo: Well I have to say 3 but Reach will blow them all away.
Other Interests: Extremely fast and expensive cars. Jet Fighters. Turbines,Turbos,Superchargers,My girlfriend. XD
Favorite Food: Anything with lots of meat and a nice sauce or gravy
Favorite Finisher: HEADSHOT!
Other: ???
Name: Nick Savage
Profession: Full Time Student
Age: 29
Favorite Hobby: Drumming, Catfishing, Family stuff, Halo
Favorite part of halo: Bungie, they just seem to do the best they can do every time.
Favorite Halo: probably going to be Reach...
Favorite Video Game: Halo 3
Other Interests: Catfishing, Drums
Favorite Food: Meat and Potatoes
Favorite Finisher: eh...
Favorite Band: Nile or Amon Amarth
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR
Other: other indeed... :)

Whats up guys? Kinda found this site when i got curious about halo armor. Ive always wanted to do something similar and May just give it a go soon. Ive been lurking all day and reading all the stickies etc. Im a pretty easy going fellow and always try to be encouraging no matter what. Looking forward to chatting with a few of ya!
hello everyone. my names Joshua.i came to your site a few years back from the Wolf Pack Elite, but couldn't make heads or tails of anything. Ive been costuming for about 6 years now, and ive always taken the rout of anime and fabric costumes because ive not really been experienced in props and armor crafting. well, im done with that, ill be making my 1st major endeavor into props, a high res Mach VI suit of mjolnir armor. i hope to learn alot from everyone here, and ill post wip pics for everyone to see and help me make it the best i can go for.
Hullo there, my name's Evan; first time on this site, but will be starting my first fiberglass armour project very soon, and thought I'd check this site out for some pointers :)
Name: Evan
Age: 21
Hobbies: Classical Pianist, Computers, Cars, Martial Arts, Video/PC Games.
Favorite part of Halo: Just the originality they bring to the FPS genre, I suppose :). Can't really go wrong with a good halo match when I get the chance.
Favorite Halo: Halo 2, as it's the one I have played the most
Favorite Video Game: Probably the Soul Calibur Series, lol I dunno, I just like that style of combat game; always have ^_^
Other Interests: Playing music, (and writing it too), Exploring for the sake of it, Learning new languages, Going to the movies with a giant mob of friends.
Favorite Food: ....... ummm I'll get back to you on that one once I actually pick a favorite >_<
Favorite Finisher: Like for a meal? Probably tea or peach cocktail. As for vg finishers? Anything from the classic mortal kombat makes the list
Favorite Band: Far too many to name, I love anything house or rock, or classical mostly, but dabble in pretty much everything
Other: Trying to make some custom armour just for the sake of learning how to properly use fiberglass

Well, I just used the same list as everyone, lol; hope that works for now; but if anyone wants to ask anything more, feel free ^_^.

~ e v a n ~
Hello i'm joey, i know little, but i'm ready to learn alot, i thought i was go on this site to do soemthing new, make a new hobbie, or make anything.
Name: joey
Age:16-17 this month
Hobbies: i collect Combat helmets, and other antiques, gaming, and ocasional bike ride...... long walks on the beach
Favorite part of Halo: Hard to say but I like When you first meet guilty spark, when things start to get heated up as you learn halo's true purpose
Favorite Halo: Halo: combat evovled
Favorite Video game: I can't deciede but i have a favorite Genres Stragety i like Rome total war, Shooter-Gears of war, Adventure- super mario world.
Favorite food: meatballs and spagetti
Favorite finisher: no clue
Favorite band: i got none
Other: I want to learn a new skill

well i had no imagination when makeing this list, but im glad that you are all enthustic, and im hoping to learn alot, first thing ill most likly try to make is an assault rifle halo 1, and soemtimes im shy to ask questions.
Name:Fredric S.
Age: I dunno
Favorite Hobby: Knifes
Favorite part of halo: killing hordes of grunts up close and personal w/ shotgun
Favorite Halo: CE
Favorite Video Game: Halo CE
Other Interests: Knifes, Guns, and Knifes
Favorite Food: Grunt Guts:eek
Favorite Finisher: Cutting off heads w/ my KA-BAR 12inch...Good times...:D
Name: Matthew Rawlinson
Profession: I guess school and Marching band
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Marching Band
Favorite part of halo: The Intricacies and emotion within the game
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Music and Video Games, Basically im a turbo nerd but i wear the title proudly
Favorite Food: Sushi and anything japanese
Favorite Finisher: A+B+A+A+B+A+L+R+L+A+B+A+A+B
Favorite Band: To many to count but all time is Led Zeppelin
Favorite Movie(s): Red October, Down Periscope, Back to the Future
Other: I own every halo novel to date
Name: Tyler Spahr
Profession: I am going to college and I also work at a local Wendy's
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Paintballing
Favorite part of halo: The amount of back story that was created (I am a huge fan of any back story)
Favorite Halo: I would say reach but that does not come out for two more close
Favorite Video Game: Any thing Valve
Other Interests: Music and Video Games,
Favorite Food: I really like Italian but sushi is also a favorite
Favorite Finisher: never really play fighter games but the one from mortal combat when the guy uses the bunny to beat you to death
Favorite Band: By far Billy Talent, all the way
Favorite Movie(s): 300, Shutter island, Windtalkers
Other: I am very happy to finally join, it has been a major interest for a while now, can't wait to see what happens
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