Alrighty, I've never really introduced myself on a forum before but since we all share the same love for Halo here and crafts, then what could it hurt?
Name: Ren M.
Profession: Floral Clerk though I'm training to be a Specialist currently. That will probably change in the next few months due to moving.
Age: 22, will be hitting 23 in about a month.
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Drawing, Cosplay, Preparing my convention cosplay group for our trips since we all live in different areas.
Favorite part of Halo: The in depth background that's put into each character race and particularly the Spartans. Also, the beautiful level and character designs.
Favorite Halo: It's a tie between 3 and Reach.
Favorite Video Game: Halo and Devil May Cry hold a special place in my heart.
Other Interests: Working to support equal rights for the transgendered community, supporting LGBT groups, volunteer work, art (particular drawing and character design), writing and role playing, encouraging noob cosplayers to keep going. Even though I've been involved for a while now, I still consider myself very much a noob and like to help others along the way since I'm also learning.
Favorite Food: Hard on! Mmm...grilled cheese.
Favorite Finisher: The finishing kill move for the Predator in Aliens Versus Predator.
Favorite Band: Too many! Motley Crue and Breaking Benjamin rank up there though!
Favorite Movie(s): Predator, Aliens, Avatar, Rambo, Karate Kid.
Other: I am a transgendered individual meaning I identify as male (always have) despite being born into a female body and am currently undergoing the steps I need to align myself properly. That being said, crafting up Halo armor holds a certain personal meaning to me since not only am I stuck with a smaller frame for a guy (I'm only 5'2''), but I have not yet begun the process which will allow my body to produce proper, more masculine muscles. That being said, my goal is to make the armor best suited for my body type while remaining as true-to-form as possible with the over all look/feel of the design. I will also be working on painting and weathering my armor based on a Spartan character I've been role playing for inspiration. Coming to the 405th has been a step forward for me as a costume lover and I feel working on this project thus far (even as a complete noob) has helped show me that I have a much stronger drive for this hobby than assumed.

I hope to make many friends along the way here at the 405th and seek to share any knowledge I gain from my experiences throughout the process of perfected what will ultimately be multiple makes of Spartan armor.