Introduce Yourself

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Name: Brigitte Byrne
Profession: Student
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Sleeping, eating, video games, parkour
Favorite part of halo: Melee a Hunter from behind and he dies instantly.
Favorite Halo: 3 or Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Black Ops, Assassin's Creed
Other Interests: I am the captain of my high school rifle team.
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Band: Death Cab for Cutie, Muse
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings (1, 2, & 3), Inception, The Dark Knight, and some others
Other: I am a girl.
Name: Mark (mdavis.usaf.86)
Profession: Full-time college student, soon-to-commission AFROTC cadet
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Golf (only fun if it's competitive)
Favorite part of halo: I love the entire story
Favorite Halo: Crap, um...let me get back to that one.
Favorite Video Game: Tiger Woods Golf
Other Interests: (Not in any specific order) X-BOX, running, reading, gym, guns, flying, obviously...building HALO armor
Favorite Food: Pizza (pepperoni thin crust from the Hut)
Favorite Finisher: One shot to the head
Name: Justin aka wolfman
Age: 18
Profession: full time college
Favourite hobbies: gaming, playing in a local rock band on and off, artist, airsofting
Favourite halo:... ... ... Um, combat evolved
Favourite tv show: top gear, doctor who (the old and new series), firefly
I'm really just a nerd fighter at heart
Name: Clark Navarro
Profession: Bum/Props maker
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: doing a lot of costumes
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach (even though i do not own ANY of any game consoles)
Other Interests: Cosplaying
Favorite Food: Junkfoods

Im working on Emile's suits... im already done with his knife, EVA helm and the Shotgun.
Hope i can find more tips on making these.
im currently working now on the body suits.. goodluck to me! :))

these are the pics...

enjoy!! :))
Name: Joshua Sprague
Occupation: unemployed atm.(boo)
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Unicycling, drumming & saving the world from covenant
Favorite part(s) of Halo: Overall Gameplay, Campaign, Multiplayer, Grunt Dialogue, Snipers
Favorite Halo: [insert eye twitch]
Favorite Video Game(s): The Halos, Zeldas, SuperSmashBros. (n64 games) + RS, BFME
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, Pasta, Shrimp, Orange Chicken, Sushi, Breakfast Burritos
Favorite Finisher: "Garbage day!.."
Favorite Band: Anberlin
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR, Predator, Star Wars, Alien movies, Ninja Assassin.. MANY more..
Other Interests: Sculpting, Airsoft, Music
Other: Faithful Respecter to all that is Halo, Cake is indeed a Lie..
Name: Hugo Herrera
Profession: student of ISC
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: My girlfriend xD
Favorite part of halo: the end of Halo 1 in legendari xD....
Favorite Halo: Ammmm!..... All!
Favorite Video Game: Halo/Final Fantasy.
Other Interests: Girl's, woodcraft, Foo0o0o0od!, Heavy Metal (power in espanish), pokemon xD
Favorite Food: 1? ammm..... Tacos(Viva mexico TacoLand)
Favorite Finisher:One plasma granade
Name: Kristene; Kilo is the Phonetic alphabet designation for K.
Profession: Previous: Worked at a performance shop for 6 years in Florida; Current: Customer Service in Phoenix
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Automotive
Favorite part of halo: The story arcs
Favorite Halo: Debatable.
Favorite Video Game: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Other Interests: Guns, Writing, Zombies, Video Games
Favorite Food: Publix deli-popped popcorn
Favorite Finisher: Tony Jaa whoopin' Lateef Crowder's face in 'The Protector' ("YOU KILLED MY FATHER AND STOLE MY ELEPHANTS!")
Favorite Band: Cold
Favorite Movie(s): The Long Kiss Goodnight; Coraline; The Hangover; 28 Days Later
Other: I've got a lot of tattoos, and the next in line is the Mythosaur skull ('cuz my backpack's got jets). I am/was a very avid car enthusiast until working at a performance shop made me want to buy a Yugo and move to an island. I took Capoeira for half a year until I moved away. I love the idea of Parkour but I can't find anyone local who does it. I'm prepared for the zombie apocalypse.
Name: Gunnar Reynolds
Profession: pishhhhhh work ha ha lol im a loser
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: online play
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo Any Thing
Other Interests:building stuff and hanging with my family and friends
Favorite Food: idk
Favorite Band: Favorite Movie(s):none really
Name: Jordon Milne
Profession: Working at A&W.....trying to get a new job right now lol!
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Games! And just recently making Halo Armor!
Favorite part of Halo: Playing Halo
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Oblivion, Left 4 Dead 2, Legend of Zelda games.
Other Interests: Sleeping lol
Favorite Food: Dont really have a favorite
Favorite Movies: Howl's moving castle, LOVE ANIME!!!! So pretty much anything Anime :D
My Name is Brian t
I dont have an xbox but like halo
my favorite game is the CoD series but you cant really dress up like a terrorist or an marine and look as cool as you would in halo armor. im 23 years old. i like making things
Name: Louis Mok
Profession: Waiter at my parents restaurant
Age: 16 almost 17 in one more month
Favorite Hobby: A lot of stuff. I do a lot of sports like Football and Wrestling.
Favorite part of halo: Mostly the characters
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: COD and Counter Strike
Other Interests: I love music and film making. I was really into it when I was in Middle school but then stop because I didn't have much time.
Favorite Food: Thai food
Favorite Finisher:Nuke
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Anything with Will Ferrel
Other: Freddie Wong is the best.
Name: Samuel Michael Fraser Farmer
Profession: Telemarketing Advisor part time, Student the rest.
Age: 16, four months until I can drive
Favorite Hobby: Unicycling and target shooting
Favorite part of halo: Halo 1, Two Betrayals, when Cortana rants at Spark: "WILL YOU JUST SOD OFF!" It was so British. Classic.
Favorite Halo: Combat Evolved. Can't beat the original.
Favorite Video Game: probably Halo 2, so many quotes. "Standard formation. Little bastards up front, big ones in back"
Other Interests: Drawing and Graphics design
Favorite Food: Steak and onion pie.
Favorite Finisher: No idea?
Favorite Band: Ooh, difficult. Going to have to say Busted/Savage Garden
Favorite Movie(s): Pokemon: The First Movie. Reminds me of my amazing childhood.
Other: I rode a unicycle 900 miles across the UK. I have a metal bar in my chest.
Name: Matt
Age: 16, going on 17.
Favorite Hobbies: Judo, parkour, and airsoft, among other things.
Profession: Student
Favorite part of Halo: Probably the whole begining of Halo: Combat Evolved. I loved that game, just wish I could play it again.
Favorite Halo: Reach, for the fact that I can play it right now.
Favorite Video Game: I love Halo, but I also like Nintendo games.
Other Interests: Getting into Pepakura. Lots of patience required, something I also have large quantities of.
Favorite Food: Chocolate Pie, or apples. Or Hot Pockets :D
Favorite Finisher: That one that Bruce Lee did to Chuck Norris when he ripped off his chest hairs! Not that I'd do that...
Favorite Band: Nujabes. Rest in Peace, you wonderful DJ you.
Favorite Movies: Either Enter the Dragon, or the Last Samurai.
Other: I fell off a 1 story house, onto a ladder, while helping out a neighbor when he had a leak. I leaked a bit too. A bit of blood, that is. It was a sharp ladder...
I am Brian's brother and we are building stuff together so Im just gonna use his account
Name: Camron
Age: 16
Job: highscool
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Part of Halo: Forge mode and the Armor
Favorite video Game: a Tie between All Halos and Elderscrolls III, IV, and hopefully V when it is released
Favorite Food: Cold Cereral
Favorite Band: Breaking Benjiman
Favorite Song: Follow By Breaking Benjiman (Halo 2 Sound Track)
Favorite Finisher: Power Rangers When they hit the guy and turnaround and then he exsplodes. JK ,IDK :)
Favorite Movie: Knights Tale or Stardust
Other: I dont like Peach Cobler
hey just starign out making fiberglass stuff and dicided to join this fourm

Name:Chris taylor
Profession:Im a bartender and im also in the army reserve
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, watching animed playing wh40k
Favorite part of halo: i like the eastereggs
Favorite Halo: 1/Reach cant really dicide
Favorite Video Game: NHL 2011(yeah im a hockey fan) or Dawn of War/CoH
Other Interests: music is good also like playing hockey
Favorite Food: Ribs
Favorite Band: Metallica/ Hokago tea time
Favorite Movie(s):Starship trooper series
Other: hmm i love watchign cartoons? and i make a mean scotch egg lol
Name: Ryan
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: the storyline and custom games with friends
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Portal
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s):Starship trooper series
Guess I'll put in my two cents as well!

Name: Chris
Age: 23
Favorite hobby: Hard to say, basically anything creative and physical fitness. Oh, and craft beer!
Favorite part of HALO: I've never played any of the games actually, but I love the idea of making a replica of the übercool Master Chief!
Favorite HALO-armor: The Mark IV from HALO Wars.
Favorite video game: Blizzard's Diablo- and StarCraft-series.
Favorite food: Ah... I'll say sushi.
Favorite band: Staind, Hinder, Keane, and so on...
Favorite movies: Kingdom of Heaven, LotR, I am legend, and many more.

Good to be here!
Name: Jared (gamertag: Jyaredo)
Profession: College is my job now lol.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Humans vs. Zombies
Favorite part of halo: Deep characters, engaging story-line
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Metal Gear Solid
Other Interests: Music and Art with a side of martial arts. JAPAN!
Favorite Food: Daifuku (mochi and anko)
Favorite Finisher: Kamehameha (Dragonball Z Budokai 3) xD
Favorite Band: The Killers, The Used, Queen and many others.
Favorite Movie(s): V For Vendetta, The Watchmen, Star Wars
Name: Kim (female, of course)
Profession: Looking for part-time job
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Paper Crafting, Video Games, Drawing (No specified order)
Favorite part of halo: Elites, Splattering the goo out of people, the story, the multiplayer... Oh whatever, I love everything.
Favorite Halo: I love them all equally.
Favorite Video Game: Halo Series, Call of Duty: MW2 (the only CoD I own), Bioshock
Other Interests: Eating, sleeping, playing more video games
Favorite Food: Steak, medium-rare. Mmmm.... Red.
Favorite Finisher: After a hard day of battle, a milkshake always does the trick.
Because it brings all the boys to the yard.
And I'm like, "Get your own."
Other: Well, I look forward to talking to fellow armor builders, and perhaps I'll make some friends. I also look forward to cutting, folding, creasing, gluing, mixing, layering, etc. until my fingers bleed and/or I lose a hand.
Name: Rick
Age: Old. I remember the times before Computers, cell phones and X-Box
Profession: Construction Superintendent
Hobbies: Wood working, welding, RC Aircraft, more
Favorite Games: Fallout, Halo, Gears of War
Other Interests: Learning new things
Favorite Band: Lots of them.
Other: Ask and I will let you know.
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