Introduce Yourself

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Good morning everyone,

My names isaac and I am new the the 405th forum, i am a huge HALO FAN and had stumble onto this website while watching a tutorial on how to make a spartan armor suit. i always thought people went and bought....NOT make them thier selves...i was suprised with everyones creativity and how helpful everyone is to eachother. I would like to know if some could guide me in the right direction on were to start and how to do the measurements to have it fit perfect to your body....This will be my first armor i build...I am very excited to start.
Edit Report
Age: 22
Favorite foods: pizzaaaa!!!!!!
Favorite movies: v for vendetta...the fifth Element...300... Dead space five
Name: Cody Snyder
Profession: Not working yet
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Video games, hiking, and shooting guns
Favorite part of halo: The expanded universe and seeing differences between humanity now and then.
Favorite Halo: H3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: ArmA 2CO or Red Orchestra
Other Interests: Military, 3d modelling, airsoft
Favorite Finisher: BOOM. Headshot..
Favorite Food: Pizza.. yum.
Favorite Band: Sabaton (I command you to look them up if you don't know them, you will love them. Trust me.)
Favorite Movie(s): STAR WARS(!!!!), Red Dawn, Black Hawk Down, LOTR, Back to the Future
Other: Military brat
Name: Tyleratron
Profession: School, bro.
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Bodybuilding, drums.
Favorite part of halo: The music and story.
Favorite Halo: First.
Favorite Video Game: Super Street Fighter IV
Other Interests: Personal Training
Favorite Finisher: I like sticking people.
Favorite Food: Chicken.
Favorite Band(s): Too many. I can be listening to Simon and Garfunkel one minute, then be listening to Dying Fetus or Lil B the next.
Favorite Movie(s): Things like Cannibal! The Musical.
Other: Woo woo woo.
Name: Joe
Profession: USAF Reserve
Age: 28

As far as the other stuff goes; I'm a member of the 501st, Battlestar Stormbringer, The Colonial Fleet, Colonial Ministry of Defense, and working on Mando costumes to become official with the Mandalorian Mercs. I have been costuming for the last 7 years, have a Stormtrooper, Republic Commando, and almost complete ARC Trooper, as well as an Imperial Officer and several BSG costumes. There is not much else to say, I have very little experience with Pepakura, but I am a fast learner and hope to have a complete costume for StarFest in April.
Name: Lauren
Profession: Banking
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, making crap
Favorite part of halo: Interaction with other players online/building communities and maps
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: I refuse to answer that one on fear of being tormented forever.
Other Interests: Teaching, making sammiches in the kitchen
Favorite Food: I think the question is what food I don't like
Favorite Finisher: Tricking the other person into falling off the map/killing themselves somehow
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s): Again... not answering that one XD
Other: Favorite quote: I refuse to enter a battle of wits with those unarmed.

Why am I here? I need help with an armor build! I don't wanna wear standard Chief armor when I can actually wear something suited for my body type. And it needs to be done before the Halo 4 release.

Name: You can call me Calisto
Profession: Military
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Martial arts, drawing.
Favorite part of halo: All of it!
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: COD series
Other Interests: I LOVE music and playing instruments
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie(s): Alien (all of them), Predator (again, all), The Day After Tomorrow, and more but don't fell like listing them all. ^.^
Name:Jonathan Wong
Profession:part time at Starbucks
Favorite hobby:Reading
Favorite part of halo:The last part in halo3 where you drive the warthog into the Pillar Of Autumn(I think it's the Pillar of Autumn)
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game:Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Halo Reach
Other Interests:Sleeping,Gaming,Exercising,Etc
Favorite Food:Anything Chinese
Favorite Finisher:Energy sword assassination
Other:I like chess.
Name: Jack A.K.A GunslingerDirge
Profession: Market Researcher, Small Time Businessman
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, AIRSOFT, COSPLAY.
Favorite part of halo: All of THEM.....
Favorite Halo: REACH
Favorite Video Game: Halo and COD MW2
Other Interests: Video Games And AIRSOFT. Played in a Band once... Im a Bassist.
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Band: RHCP, Metalica, Nirvana and many more..........
Other: hhhhmmmm..... My Dog is gay.

Im Just starting to build my Noble 6 armor... just finished peping... And It is my first time. So I'll post some of the pics later.
Name: bradley
Profession: none
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and reading
Favorite part of halo: i love the way the have made the game a the story line keeps making me come back for more
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: bioshock
Other Interests: i am in to anime and manga
Favorite Food: pasta
Favorite Band: drop kick murphys
Favorite Movie(s): mask ,how to train your pet dragon , any of the freddy or jason movies
Other: i love to make cosplays for anime north and am try to learn to make more awsome thing like halo armour and wepons
Well Howdy people!

Name: Dillon Soma, but I respond to other names too cuz I am weird...
Profession: Currently a student, but I am looking for internships to gain that much sought after "2-5 years experience in the field"
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Playing music, you know the usual
Favorite part of halo: All of the different communities...the 7th Column, RvB, HBO, and even right here
Favorite Halo: either Combat Evolved or ODST
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Fallout, Assassins Creed *series no single game*
Other Interests: I like to try new things, part of the reason I ended up here
Favorite Food: anything that makes me less hungry
Favorite Finisher: Tough call...I honestly can't decide
Favorite Band: Tantric, The Offspring, All Time Low, Rise Against, Less Than Jake...they always change
Favorite Movie(s): Ghostbusters
Other: I am currently training for a marathon =D
I am a very outgoing person, so feel free to contact me, just tell me you are from the 405th and I will be more than happy to chit-chat, and also I ask a lot of questions so sorry in advance!
Name: Chaz
Profession: student
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Playing my guitar and drum kit
Favorite part of halo: Personally, I love the artistic qualities of the series.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Assassins Creed 2
Other Interests: Writing, drawing, composing music, ranting, programing (mostly java)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: Zeromancer
Favorite quote "Would you mined not standing on my chest my hat is on fire."
Name: Paul
Profession: Tech Major (student)
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, seeing as where I am right now i think that a requirement, Art/ creating
Favorite part of halo: Driving, with a good gunner im unstoppable! Im also an activist in the "Wheelmen sprees should be worth more points than a regular kill" club
Favorite Halo:Halo3, Reach
Favorite Video Game: all Assassins creeds, excited about Gears of War 3 release
Other Interests: bettering myself my Philosophy: if others can master it, I can master it too. Generally Being Dorky
Favorite Food: Its not about the food you eat, its about the people you eat it with!
Favorite Band: GreenDay
Favorite quote "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do." -Bruce Lee
wow, I feel like im in a Rp....but anyways:
Name: Merilae (I dont like my real name) -__-
Profession: ...Im home
Age: 25
Favorite Game : I dunno, I have lots
Favorite Halo : o_O I love them all but I'd have to say Halo 3
Favorite Fewd : Sushi or anything with fish
Favorite Band : Dir en grey, Girugamesh, Sadie ...I have a lot you can just ask I guess..
Hobbies: Art, music, Anime, manga...other stuff
Name: Tim
Profession: Software Engineer
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Being a dad...
Favorite Halo playing style: and gun
Favorite Halo: All
Favorite quote: See my sig ;)
Wow. Quite the tradition you've got going here with the lists. I'm not very good with lists, but I can do paragraphs or sentences. no one needs to read it anyway, I just need to post it. :D

Hey all, I'm NatsumeRyu. Female, currently 21, and I'm here mostly just so I have an account here should I need it in the future. I'm traditionally a Transformers Cosplayer, but I'd like to do a good ol' Mk V painted RvB Doc purple/magenta at some point.

I'm in college for video games, and I'm an artist. I do 2D art, 3D art, animation, rigging, you name it. I've even made a few models for Nintendude here to post or use for his own purposes. I haven't dabbled in Pepakura yet though, so we'll see how that goes. I'm not imagining anything too terrible though considering my 3D experience, and the way I build my TF costumes appears to be similar to what you guys do with pepakura.
Speaking of costuming, I'm the cheap cosplayer who does every costume for under $20. Doesn't lend much to durability, but it doesn't seem to detract from the beauty of the costume in its short life either, based on responses to them so far.
I still plan on looking into the not so budget-friendly fiberglas, bondo, rondo, etc. etc., however, if only to have the knowledge in hand. We'll see how this goes. :) Nice to meet the thousands of you all who won't read this, most excellent to meet to few of you who do.
Name: Joe Faiella
Profession: College Student full time
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Playing Guitar
Favorite part of halo: Hmmmm.... This is tough. I love everything about it, but I'm going to say the artwork behind the game.
Favorite Halo: CE.
Favorite Video Game: I should probably say Halo but my favorite games are the Forza Motorsports
Other Interests: I play the guitar, and love to draw/3D model things
Favorite Food: Chinese food
Favorite Finisher: Joker from DCU Vs. Capcom
Favorite Band: Chevelle
Favorite Movie(s): All the Fast and Furious Movies
Name: Julian Elwood
Profession: buying and selling hand made items
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: what ever im working on at the moment
Favorite part of halo: The quality and community
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo Franchise
Other Interests: working with my hands, creating things
Favorite Food: the edible kind
Favorite Finisher: god of war 2, promethius, (smash head through door)
Favorite Band: muse
Favorite Movie(s): Inception, the matrix
Other: gamertag: XII TRU7H VI
Name: Julia
Profession: Currently I work in a deli, but I'm just about to finish school and I'm in the midst of starting up my own aesthetics business!
Age: Just turned 21
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, airsoft and cosplay
Favorite Halo: REACH!!!
Favorite Video Game: COD, Halo, and Resident Evil
Other Interests: I LOVE to draw and I love my work <3
Favorite Food: Day old Chinese food mmm sooooo good :3
Favorite Band: Don't exactly have a favorite band but Buckethead is up there
Favorite Movie(s): Fifth Element it's the best movie ever... of all time!
Other: I love Red vs Blue :D
I have some experience with papercraft and am happy to actually make something lifesized for a change. I also hope to learn a lot in the process
Name: Laura U.
Profession: Was once an online customer care chat representative for a cell phone company. Now, I'm a student in Art & Design Foundation in college.
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Whatever involves paint that ruins my clothes and destroys item with dried glue, gesso and matte.
Favorite part of halo: Red vs. Blue. C'mon.
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect 2
Other Interests: Writing, you know, video games. Art. Eating food.
Favorite Food: Sandwiches.

I've made a Transformers costume of Skids, from the RotF movie, which involved a lot of insulation foam, rigid plaster wrap, foam core board and paper clay, and cardboard. Cheaper, bulk materials are my specialty; since I live in tiny little spaces, usually a room for rent, the bigger, broader materials are too expensive and hard to order/use. I love to make things from the least expensive material, and then document the process, so that people with tighter budgets can see how it's done.

Hopefully I can help out here and also learn at the same time.
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