Introduce Yourself

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Profession: College
Age: 18 (19 soon)
Favorite Hobby: The keeping and breeding of exotic pets, particularly invertebrates, and also predatory fish keeping.
Favorite part of halo: The whole feeling like a super soldier bad ass and the constant feeling of humanity on the edge of extinction unless you intervene.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach (parts of it) and halo 2 (Also liked ODST).
Favorite Video Game: Metroid Prime series, Mass Effect series, Half life series, Deus ex, gears of war series, and of course halo.
Other Interests: Nature.
Favorite Food: KFC popcorn chicken.
Favorite Finisher: Halo reach brain stab assasination.
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens, The Thing, District 9, Tron Legacy.
Name: Josh
Profession: Was A Marine then DHS, currently going to college.
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Building things
Favorite part of halo: The multiplayer although I'm not that good
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Zelda OOT
Other Interests: Camping, Hiking
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Finisher: Choke hold
Favorite Band: Rush
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars, pixar movies
Other: Building my first Pep right now, although its my second high end costume.
Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself:

Name: Hill
Age: 27
Profession: Working at GameStop to pay the bills. Hoping to go back to school soon.
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, hopefully making Halo armor.
Favorite part of halo: The endings of Combat Evolved and 3, screaming with my roommate at the top of our lungs at 4 in the morning making hogs jump.
Favorite Halo: whichever one is in my xbox now...
Favorite Video Game: I can only choose one!?
Other Interests: Writing, working in the yard
Favorite Food: Prime Rib
Favorite Finisher: Pedigree
Favorite Band: Coheed and Cambria
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars, MST3K/Rifftrax movies, Star Trek

I look forward to all the projects that I see on the site; you guys are all amazing! Thank you.
Hmm... this is strange. This "Reply to Thread" button has never worked in the past...
Anyways, hello to the 405th! I have been a lurker since the days before the release of Halo ODST and finally decided to make an account. And here I go!
Name: Cameron
Profession: Student
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Being creative...? (Innovation, you know. That stuff)
Favorite part of halo: Proliferation of new-gen armor ideas to the general public. Just as Star Trek readied the world for cell phones.
Favorite Halo: Never played. Loved Reach's story and music though. ODST was interesting as well.
Favorite Video Game: Metroid Prime (love the entire Metroid franchise)
Other Interests: I love music (I am a trombonist, after all), television shows old and new (Andy Griffiths to NCIS to, well... er.... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Flashpoint is great as well!)
Favorite Food: Prime Rib
Favorite Finisher: Come again?
Favorite Band: Not really my style. I listen to what I like.
Favorite Movie(s): Galaxy Quest, Letters from Iwo Jima, Bedazzled
Other: I am a very boring person with nothing left to say XD

Name: GT StarScream
Profession: Student (game programing)
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: Multiplayer
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Music guitar skatebording programing
Favorite Food: Katsudonn
Favorite Finisher: GET OVER HERE!!!
Favorite Band: SlipKnoT
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Other: I do not come in peace
Name: Chris
Profession: CNC Operater
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: Fire Fight
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Games: Halo, COD, Legend of Zelda, Gears of War
Other Interests: Food
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Movie: Boondock Saints, Sucker Punch, and Iron Man 1 & 2
Profession: High School...still
Favorite Hobby: Playing my guitar, video games, writing screenplays, hanging with friends and girlfriend
Favorite part of halo: hmmmmm....Halo 3 custom games with friends
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite video games: Halo, COD 4, COD (Treyarch), Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, PS1 games
Favorite food: buffalo wings
Other interests: making movies!!!!!

.....Admin Adam sent me.....anyways sup?
Name: Alistair (Thatguy)
Profession: Timber Yard Manager, Trade qualified Timber Machinist
Age: 24
Fav Hobby: Shooting
Fav game: Halo 3
Fav Movie: Full Metal jacket
Fav Food: KFC
Other Hobbies: Hiking, Gaming, Work

Yep thats me in a nut-shell
Name: Michael
Profession: working in a podunk grocery store, going to school to be an Medical Lab Tech
Age: 23
Fav Hobby: learning
Fav game: Donkey Kong Country 2 or Mega Man
Fav Movie: favorite?
Fav Food: anything related to fruits except melons and red apples
Other Hobbies: construction, studies, growing stuff.
Name: Ben G
Profession: Work at Orange Leaf (self serve frozen yogurt) part time & attending school
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Video Games :D
Favorite part of Halo: The entire storyline and background
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: both halo and cod
Other Interests: I like playing the piano and working ha
Favorite Food: Ribeye steak
Favorite Finisher: boom......HEADSHOT!
Favorite Band: dont really have ONE imparticular
Favorite Movie(s): same as my band, i cant really pick just one
Other: uhhhhh i dance around in a banana suit at school assemblies?

Hey guys, it's me, Poly. It's been exactly 367 days since I first introduced myself and I think I've posted once in the time haha. I just wanted to re-introduce myself and start over since so much has changed since I did last.

For starters:

Name: Ben
Profession: Student, studying Mech Eng and German
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: I guess riding my bike and making my MC costume!
Favorite part of Halo: The entire storyline and background (this hasn't changed :D)
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Both halo and cod
Other Interests: I like playing the piano and working ha
Favorite Food: Ribeye steak
Favorite Finisher: It's Fumbles, it's always been Fumbles...
Favorite Band: The Band (if you know them, I salute you)
Favorite Movie(s): STAR WARS!
Other: uhhhhh I dance around in a banana suit at school assemblies? I own a banana suit, a Gumby suit, a ghillie suit, and am working on my next one!

So, there's my introduction, now I'll fill you guys in on what I've been doing for the past year. In September of last year I began working on my MK VI costume and worked on it diligently for about 5 months; then I got a girlfriend haha. About 6 months went by when I almost didn't work on it at all and all I had accomplished was getting the helmet bondoed and the torso pepped. Just recently though I started working on it again and finished the helmet!. The thing that I'm most disappointed about though is that I never actually became a part of this community and I have never shared any information about what I'm doing. That's going to change though :) Once I get a feel for exactly how to become involved here, I'll try to give back as much as I've gotten and I'll also try to update my progress on the suit. Thanks for being here guys!

Name: addy
Profession: school
Age: 15
Favorite band:The Strokes
Favorite Hobby: Making armor
Favorite part of Halo: The Armor
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite AO2 charecter: Elliot Salem
Favorite Video Game: Probably "Legend of Zeld: Wind Waker" that game was epic
Other Interests: Videogames, music, moviemaking
Favorite Food: Calamari
Favorite Halo 3 armor:EVA
Favorite Movie: Probably Hot Fuzz or "The God's must be crazy"
Name: Roy
Profession: University student, I’m working towards finishing my physics undergrad. I’m also a servicemember in the Texas State Guard, but that isn't a regular job.
Age: 22
Favorite video game: Halo Reach (so far)
Favorite part of Halo: Exploring New Mombasa as the Rookie
Favorite show: Firefly
Other interests: Guitar playing, traditional artwork, shooting sports, writing a novel
Favorite food: Dr. Pepper
What I’d like to do while I'm here: Make a few sci-fi costumes.

Name: Robert Coghill
Profession: I work at Maki of Japan in the Southlake Mall in Merrillville, IN
Age: 21 (till December)
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Watching Netflix
Favorite Part of Halo: Loved the story and the campaign so much, the multiplayer is great too.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo, CoD, and Gears of War series
Other Interests: I like hanging out with friends, and listening to music during my otherwise mostly freetime
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: Abney Park
Favorite Movie(s): Basketball, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Tron: Legacy
Other: I go to Purdue University Calumet for game design.
Name: Francisco Cedillo
Profession: Work at Fry's Electronics and going to college
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: pepakura, legos, and similar stuff
Favorite part of halo:
Favorite Video Game: Metal gear series, and anything made by Hideo Kojima
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Movie(s): Donny Darko, Road To Perdition,.....
Other: I hope to be able to make quality pep projects in the future.

I mainly joined because I wanted to learn how to make Iron Man and Army of Two pep.
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Sup all. Name Joey. I work in a office seating in my ass and waiting for a server to break down. People call it IT. i call it waste of time. anyways have planety of time in my hands and been going to cosplay event. "And i need to get me one of those armors!!!". Well time to start printing. hope you all will help when i get stuck..

I Never want to grow up
Name: John Valle (everyone call me vale)
Profession: Work as designer
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Sports.
Favorite part of halo: I dun't know, the complete story is good, but the epic part start with the sacrifices...
Favorite Video Game: Halo or COD series
Other Interests: I really like to play paintball...and draw.
Favorite Food: all!
Favorite Finisher: I dunno lol
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Saving private ryan
Name: tomo
Profession: Diesel Fitter
Age: 20 (kinda makes me old here)
Favorite Hobby: Cars, Warhammer, Skiing (water)
Favorite part of halo: Universe, Like star wars they both have such deep backgrounds
Favorite Video Game: Halo or Elder scroll series(again, the depth)
Other Interests: I really like to play paintball...and draw.
Favorite Food: eadible stuff
Favorite Finisher: Executing Shield bearer orks in 'Space marine'
Favorite Band: Nickleback
Favorite Movie(s): Bicentenial man, Inception, Sucker punch, Swordfish
Hey there Peeps,

Name: Lionel
Profession: Unemployed at the moment and playing Mr. Mom :p
Age: Too Old :(
Favorite Hobby: Animation, Movies, Video Games, Martial Arts, Dancing and Trans Ams :D
Favorite part of halo: I would have to say Reach
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: God of War/Batman
Other Interests: Guitar, Making food and Trying to make my Trans Am run
Favorite Food: Sushi!
Favorite Finisher: Mortal Combat (what ever Sub Zero does...)
Favorite Band: AcDc
Favorite Movie(s): Akira, Braveheart, Gladiator, The Worriors
Other: I luv to animate
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo: When you get killed by a member of NOBLE Team.
Favorite Halo: Halo 3:ODST
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Xbox in general
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