Name: Nick, lots of folks call me Spider on and off the interwebs
Profession: Ex Military, and now some complicated stuffs
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: All the things! haha love costuming, snowboarding, video games, egghand ball, hockey, airsoft, just lots of various things.
Favorite part of halo: Haha.... I ll keep my opinions on halo to myself

know best things about halo for me was back when Halo 2 came out I was still in training and locked down to dorms on the weekends and we would have old school lan parties kicking the **** out of each other all day.
Favorite Halo: Haha ODST actually
Favorite Video Game: Dont make me choose

currently hooked on SWTOR waiting for ME3
Other Interests: See hobbies ^^
Favorite Food: FOOD

Favorite Finisher: (Close) Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch
Favorite Band: Kittie
Favorite Movie(s): Fuuuu too many
Other: What killed the dinosaurs..... the ICE AGE ..... bad Arnie lines never get old
Side note, been avoiding going into pep builds for a while now... but some upcoming projects look like pep is the best place to start so here I am... be gentile... meet quite a few of you at cons all of you so far awesome people and keep telling me to come to these forums... it finally happened .... all should be scared.