Name: Kris Waclawski
Profession: Electronics Engineer, PC engineer, Apple ACSP, MS MSCE.
Age: hitting 50 this year ! (actually, I refuse to grow up).
Favorite Hobby: Too many. Do I have to choose ? As long as it's not absolutly mindless, I'm in.
Favorite part of halo: the lore itself.
Favorite Halo: Halo 3...2 ... 1 . Crap. Can't choose.
Favorite Video Game: Elite ! .... yep, the C64/BBC-Micro game, held Elite status on all versions I ever played (C64, BBC, PC, Amiga ...) Father of all 3D space sims. Often copied, never surpassed as far as I'm concerned
Currently playing ... Elite Dangerous.

Drooling over a Occulus, but will wait for the Vive before i part with the dineros.
Other Interests: Everything involved tinkering and repairing. Can't stand when somethings' broken and refuse to admit defeat when repairing stuff.
Favorite Food: ... too much to choose from...
Favorite Band: Foo Fighters, Daft Punk, XTC, Queen, The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Talking Heads, Anadel (no, not Adele), Arcade Fire, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, as far as live gig goes : Depeche Mode ! .... But I also adore Bach, Pachelbel, Debussy ... in other words, I have
no taste at all.
Favorite Movie(s): Event Horizon, Alien and Aliens, In the mouth of madness, Blade Runner, the first Matrix movie. Ghost in the Shell stuff, Steins' Gate, Naruto .... far too many to list here.
Other: Full time dad. My kids think I'm nutters. My wife's sure about it. Personal quotes : "you've got to do crazy things now and then to avoid becoming a total crackpot in the end". and "the day the kid in me dies, just put me out of my missery and get it over with".
Got into Cosplay after loosing a bet to my daugher. Looser had to go to a convention in cosplay outfit. And since nobody would recognize a "Commander Jameson" (default Elite commander) suit...
I lost, but loosing doesn't mean you're not supposed to have fun now does it ?